


January 1, 2009  

ELCA Presiding Bishop Calls for Gaza Ceasefire; Bishops Prep for Visit

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), said the
ELCA joins with all people calling for an immediate ceasefire in
Gaza and southern Israel.  Hanson also asked ELCA members to join
Middle East religious leaders who requested that Sunday, Jan. 4,
be "a day for justice and peace in the land of peace," he wrote
in a Dec. 31 pastoral letter.
     Hanson issued the letter as the ELCA Conference of Bishops
and bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)
prepare to visit religious, government and community leaders,
congregations and schools in Jordan, Israel and the West Bank.
They scheduled the visit months ago as part of their annual
academy, a time of theological reflection and study.
     At least 39 ELCA bishops, plus 5 ELCIC bishops, 27 spouses
and 14 ELCA churchwide staff are expected to make the Jan. 6-13
visit. A smaller delegation will visit Jordan beginning Jan. 3.
The visit is intended to show support for the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Jordan and Holy Land (ELCJHL), led by its
bishop, the Rev. Munib A. Younan, and the Lutheran World
Federation (LWF).  The bishops also want to learn more about the
complexities in the region, and to promote just and peaceful
solutions to the conflict.
     "This is a tragic yet opportune time for North American
Lutherans to visit their partners in Palestine," said Younan,
also an LWF vice president, in a news release. "They will have a
unique opportunity to witness the challenges of living in this
disputed land."
     Leading the delegations from the North American Lutheran
churches are Hanson and the Rev. Susan C. Johnson, ELCIC national
bishop.  The visit is being coordinated with staff and leaders
from both churches, the ELCJHL and the LWF.  Hanson is also LWF
     The ELCA and the ELCIC are monitoring events as the bishops
prepare for their visit, Hanson wrote. This week bishops and
staff of both churches met several times by conference call "and
are united in their assessment that the trip is timelier than
ever and should proceed," he said in the letter.
     "In this very difficult time, the bishops hope that their
presence can be a source of comfort to these partners and
manifest support for these ministries," Hanson wrote.
     "The continuing loss of life, infliction of serious injury
and devastation of property will only deepen hatred and
divisions, and will serve no good end. Only negotiations, leading
to a two-state solution, will bring about a durable peace with
justice for both Israelis and Palestinians," the presiding bishop
     The ELCA and ELCIC bishops invited prayers from members. "On
behalf of their churches, the bishops offer to their Christian
sisters and brothers and to all people affected by the conflict,
their steadfast support, and their efforts and prayers for peace
to prevail and healing to begin," Hanson's letter concluded.
     Financial gifts sent to the ELCA in response to the conflict
in Gaza will support relief efforts of Augusta Victoria Hospital
(AVH), an LWF facility on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and
relief efforts of ELCA International Disaster Response, said
Megan E. Bradfield, associate director for international
development, ELCA Global Mission.  AVH is responding to the
medical needs of cancer and dialysis patients from Gaza,
she said.
     The full text of Presiding Bishop Hanson's statement is at on the ELCA Web site.

     Information about the bishops' Middle East visit is at on the ELCA Web site.

     Gifts may be sent to ELCA International Disaster Response,
PO Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-1764, 1-800-638-3522 and on the Internet.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask] 
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