


February 20, 2009  

Opposition, Support for ELCA Task Force Recommendation, Social Statement

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Feb. 19 release of two documents from
the Task Force for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) Studies on Sexuality generated support and opposition
from such organizations as Lutherans Concerned/North America
(LC/NA), Lutheran CORE, WordAlone and Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod (LCMS).
     The task force released a "Report and Recommendation on
Ministry Policies," which primarily focuses on changing the
policy that "ordained ministers who are homosexual in their
self-understanding are expected to abstain from homosexual
sexual relationships" -- as stated in the ELCA's Vision and
Expectations" for ordained ministries.  The same expectation
is expressed in policies for professional lay leaders in the
     The task force also released "Human Sexuality: Gift and
Trust," a proposed social statement that addresses a spectrum
of topics relevant to human sexuality from a Lutheran
     Emily Eastwood, LC/NA executive director, agreed and
disagreed with elements of both documents.  LC/NA is an
independent Lutheran organization that relates to the ELCA
through its Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission
program unit.
     Eastwood said LC/NA is "gratified" that the documents
create "room for the recognition of same-gender relationships"
and that a "provision is being made for ministers in committed
same-gender relationships to serve in ministry."
     But she called the mechanism in which the ELCA task force
offered to implement the recommendation "unacceptable."
     "The mechanism proffered states that congregations,
candidacy committees, synods and bishops, bound by their
consciences to oppose the ordination or service of lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender ministers may do so. Such
allowance may create institutionalized discrimination at the
synod level, resulting in pockets where the existing
prohibitions may remain in full force," she said.
     Goodsoil, a group of organizations working for the "full
inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
and their families in the full ministerial and sacramental
life of the ELCA," featured LC/NA's communication on its Web
     The WordAlone Network stated it will work to defeat the
task force recommendation.  WordAlone is a non-profit,
Minnesota-based Lutheran organization.
     "Local option is, ironically, the negation of their entire
desire to reach consensus.  With individual, congregational
and synodical option, there is no standard at all, just the
celebration of self over against the Christian understanding
of community and true freedom," said the Rev. Jaynan Clark
Egland, WordAlone president.
     In a media advisory, Lutheran CORE (Coalition for Reform)
announced that it will work to defeat the ELCA task force
recommendation.  Lutheran CORE is an independent Lutheran
organization that relates to the ELCA through its Vocation
and Education program unit.
     "The proposal for change in standards for clergy departs
from the clear teaching of Scripture," said the Rev. Paull
(correct) Spring, State College, Pa., chair of the Lutheran
CORE steering committee.
     "The task force (recommendation) will disconnect the ELCA
from God's Word in the Bible, which clearly says that all sex
outside of marriage is sin, and disconnect it from all who
uphold the biblical norm -- most ELCA members and most of the
Christian church on earth," said the Rev. Mark C. Chavez,
Landisville, Pa., director of Lutheran CORE.
     The Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, executive director for LCMS
World Relief and Human Care, issued a statement in response
to the ELCA task force documents.
     "To say that we are disappointed in the task force
proposals would be a vast understatement.  But we are not
surprised," he said.  "The LCMS position on homosexuality is
that of the Bible and the church catholic from the very
     Harrison noted that there's a "great deal of interaction
and partnership" between the LCMS and ELCA, but he said the
task of maintaining that relationship was "becoming even more
     The ELCA task force's report and recommendation and
proposed social statement will be considered at the 2009 ELCA
Churchwide Assembly -- the church's chief legislative body
-- Aug. 17-23 in Minneapolis.
     LCMS, LC/NA, Lutheran CORE and WordAlone do not have voice
or vote at ELCA churchwide assemblies, but members of LC/NA,
Lutheran CORE and WordAlone may have been elected to serve as
voting members.
- - -
     The task force's "Report and Recommendation on Ministry
Policies" and "Human Sexuality:  Gift and Trust" are available
at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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