


February 25, 2009  

ELCA Synod Bishops Respond to Task Force Recommendation, Social Statement

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- In pastoral letters to members of their
respective synods, bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) encouraged pastors, lay leaders and others
to become familiar with two documents released Feb. 19 by the
Task Force for the ELCA Studies on Sexuality. Some bishops
also commented on the contents of the documents.
     The task force released a "Report and Recommendation on
Ministry Policies," which focuses on changing the standard
that "ordained ministers who are homosexual in their
self-understanding are expected to abstain from homosexual
sexual relationships" -- as stated in the ELCA's "Vision and
Expectations" for ordained ministries.  The same expectation
applies to associates in ministry, diaconal ministers and
     The task force also released "Human Sexuality:  Gift and
Trust," a proposed social statement that addresses a spectrum
of topics relevant to human sexuality from a Lutheran
     Both documents will be considered by voting members at
the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly -- the church's chief
legislative body -- Aug. 17-23 in Minneapolis.
     In their letters, some of the 65 bishops extended their
appreciation to the task force for its "faithful work" and
outlined the church's work leading up to the assembly. In
the coming months some bishops will host open forums to
discuss and receive comments about the documents.
     The Rev. Jessica R. Crist, bishop, ELCA Montana Synod,
Great Falls, urged synod members "to read (the documents)
for yourself, and not to base conclusions on what someone
writes."  She said, "I have already read and heard
oversimplified and just plain inaccurate accounts floating
about in the public media."
     "The task force recommendation, in my reading of it,
strives to take a different route from creating winners
and losers in this matter," Crist said.
     The Rev. Jon V. Anderson, bishop, ELCA Southwestern
Minnesota Synod, Redwood Falls, also encouraged synod members
to read the documents.  "Too often we let other people frame
our own reflection and thoughts by how they see things."
     "These documents now belong to the church," said the
Rev. Peter Rogness, bishop, ELCA Saint Paul Area Synod, St.
Paul, Minn.  "Our church is participatory in how it makes
decisions about our life together," he said.  "This is in
process, and this process is designed to bring the church's
full participation into the final decision."
     The Rev. Michael L. Burk, bishop, ELCA Southeastern Iowa
Synod, Iowa City, said, "We have entered the next phase of
what has been a long and thoughtful conversation through the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  In a church like
ours, where decisions about life together are participatory,
we will all benefit from your careful reading of these pieces
and from your willingness to engage others in honest and
respectful dialog."
     "The documents are intended to be a faithful reflection
of the ELCA's study, prayer and discussion process about
human sexuality," said the Rev. B. Penrose Hoover, bishop,
ELCA Lower Susquehanna Synod, Harrisburg, Pa.
     The Rev. Callon W. Holloway Jr., bishop, ELCA Southern
Ohio Synod, Columbus, said, "I have been more than a little
concerned about the release of the draft social statement
on human sexuality.  The subject is not the centerpiece of
our mission, witness, and life together, although it is
     "Some feel that the recommendation could strengthen
the church in regards to our mission in ecclesiastical and
social justice, while others feel that it could threaten
our unity and identity.  Still others wish that it would
just go away.  Whatever your position, please carefully
re-study the whole document before interpreting highlights
to others," said Holloway.
     The Rev. Edward R. Benoway, bishop, ELCA
Florida-Bahamas Synod, Tampa, Fla., said, "I am encouraged
that the recommendation urges us in the direction of
clarifying our principles of being church together before
attempting to change practice.  We need to deeply respect
(the) fact that while worshiping one Lord, and claiming
one faith and one baptism into Christ, we are not of one
mind on these important issues facing our church and our
     According to the Rev. Allan C. Bjornberg, bishop, ELCA
Rocky Mountain Synod, Denver, "As a church, we have been at
these conversations for 15 years.  They have sometimes been
quite difficult, even divisive and volatile.  But I have
been grateful for this church's growing maturity and
deepening ability to engage these difficult conversations."
     The Rev. Margaret G. Payne, bishop, ELCA New England
Synod, Worcester, Mass., said, "Although admittedly biased
from my former life as chair of the task force, and witness
to its wisdom and abilities of discernment, I believe that
the (report and recommendation) document captures the true
place in which the church finds itself -- no consensus in
these matters -- and suggests a very Lutheran and wise way
to use mutual respect and love for the gospel, and a
patient four-step process, as the way to continue to
navigate this difficult issue in our life together."
     According to the Rev. Claire S. Burkat, bishop, ELCA
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Norristown, the
recommendation "offers us a way forward to carry out
our mission and ministry while respecting that Christians
disagree on this issue for deep-seated reasons of
conscience and interpretation of Scripture." If the
recommendation is approved, "I will welcome the gifts
and abilities of the many faithful, devout and talented
gay and lesbian pastors to this church," she said.
     "As one of the first women ordained in the Lutheran
church in the 1970s, I know what it is like to be
excluded from opportunities for ministry.  I also know
that change in culture and acceptance takes time, patience
and openness to new expressions of ministry," Burkat said.
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     Information about the 65 synods of the ELCA is at on the ELCA Web site.

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