


April 9, 2009  

Budget Reductions Impact ELCA's Engagement Overseas

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- A significant decline in financial resources
for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) led to budget
reductions for the churhwide organization, particularly for ELCA
Global Mission.  The reduction will affect the church's ministry
     ELCA Global Mission reduced its budget by $3.6 million or
11.4 percent.  More than 40 percent of the unit's budget is made
up of funds raised through the ELCA World Hunger Appeal.  The
amount allocated to Global Mission from the appeal for 2009 was
reduced by $2.3 million.  The 2009 income goal for the appeal is
$18.7 million, reduced $1.9 million from what was anticipated.
Global Mission also receives mission support -- funds that flow
from congregations through synods to the churchwide organization.
Mission support for Global Mission was reduced by $1.3 million.
     The budget reductions "will hit hard companion churches and
the Lutheran World Federation at a time when they, too, have to
deal with the impact of the worldwide financial crisis, which is
resulting in (an additional) 46 million people falling into
poverty," said the Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla, executive
director, ELCA Global Mission.  His comments were in an April 3
letter to ELCA mission personnel and former missionaries,
friends of Global Mission, synod colleagues and members of
partner agencies.
     "We regret the impact Global Mission's funding reductions
will have on our ecumenical and interfaith partners, and on
Lutheran World Relief, the ELCA's common ministry with the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod," said Malpica Padilla.
     His letter provided an overview of the impact the unit's
budget reduction on the ELCA's ministries overseas:
+ A reduction of more than $54,000 for leadership development
will mean fewer new scholarships to companion church leaders
and the elimination of sabbaticals for these leaders.
+ Grants to support key ministries of companion churches will
be cut by $525,000.
+ A reduction of more than $400,000 will mean at least eight
fewer ELCA missionaries to be deployed in 2009.  No current
mission personnel are being recalled as a result of the budget
+ The 2009 grant to the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will
be reduced by more than $350,000.  "This reduction comes at
a time when the LWF is facing significant funding shortfalls
that are threatening core ministries," Malpica Padilla said.
The LWF is a global communion of churches representing 68.5
million Lutherans.
+ Support for ecumenical and interchurch agencies will be
reduced by $85,000.  The 2009 grant for Lutheran World Relief
(LWR) will be cut by $830,000.  "Global Mission will work with
LWR to minimize the impact of this reduction on program and
project work in other countries, which is supported by gifts
to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal," Malpica Padilla said.
+ Staff travel, services and support for the unit's various
programs and functions were cut by $160,000.  Some
Chicago-based staff positions will be reduced or eliminated.
     At the conclusion of his letter, Malpica Padilla asked
for prayers for the ELCA "as it looks toward the future" and
for "our companions and partners who will experience
difficulties and lost opportunities."
     "I also ask you to do whatever you can to engage with
ELCA members and congregations in your circles of ministry
to thank them for the continued faithful giving in these
difficult times, and to encourage them to give generously
to increase both mission support and ELCA World Hunger
income, so that the ELCA can continue the strong global
engagement to which it is called," he said.
- - -
     Information about ELCA Global Mission is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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