


April 23, 2009  

Former ELCA Presiding Bishop Endorses Task Force Documents

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Herbert W. Chilstrom, the first
presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA), endorsed two documents from the Task Force on ELCA
Studies on Sexuality.  Chilstrom served two terms starting from
the church's inception in 1987 to 1995.
     On Feb. 19 the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality
released "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust," a proposed social
statement for the church.
     It also released that day a report and recommendation for
a process to consider changes to ministry policies that could
make it possible for Lutherans in committed same-gender
relationships to serve as ELCA associates in ministry,
deaconesses, diaconal ministers and ordained ministers.
     The 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly -- the highest
legislative authority of the church -- will consider both
documents Aug. 17-23 in Minneapolis.
     "I'm impressed with the work of the task force," Chilstrom
wrote in an assessment of the documents.  "After some 20
years of wrestling with this complex and potentially divisive
issue, I believe they have given us a statement and a
(recommendation that) the broad membership of our church can
     Chilstrom said the phrase "conscience-bound belief" --
a key idea of the proposed social statement and recommendation
-- is not a new concept.  "In fact, we live with it all the
     Chilstrom cited the example of how a close friend and he
have differing conscience-bound beliefs on the legitimacy of
the death penalty.  "Though we disagree on this specific
social issue, our respect for each other keeps us in close
friendship.  We agree to disagree on the subject," he said.
     In relation to the "status of homosexual persons in our
church," he said, "it is not likely that we will come to
consensus on this issue in the near future.  But can we
disagree in this area without breaking faith and unity with
each other?  Yes, I believe we can."
     Lutherans have changed their minds about some
conscience-bound stances, Chilstrom wrote.  "Churches that
once excluded minority persons now openly welcome them.
Congregations that once refused to call women as pastors now
accept and affirm them.  Only a few years ago only persons
who had been confirmed could receive the Lord's Supper. Now
younger children are encouraged to participate."
     In the more than 20 years since the ELCA first tried
to adopt a statement on human sexuality, "many have also
changed their minds regarding the place of homosexual
persons in church and society," Chilstrom wrote.
     But change was not easy, he said.  "Long tradition,
rooted in our understanding of the Bible, meant that we clung
tightly to our convictions.  But as we became acquainted
with gay and lesbian persons and read literature about the
nature of sexual orientation many came to a new understanding
of the issues.  We changed our minds."
     In response to the recommendation, Chilstrom said the
task force has placed before the church a way to respect
varied positions.
     "I wish everyone in our church were at the same place
where we could simply say, 'It is time to include responsible
brothers and sisters in Christ in same-gender relationships
among the rostered ministries of this church.'  That is, for
me and many others, our conscience-bound belief," he said.
     "But I am a realist.  Though we have taken some
significant steps in the last 20 years, our church is not
at the place where we can do more than what is proposed in
the recommendation," Chilstrom wrote.  "We can no longer
go on with the status quo, with one bishop trying to press
the literal implications of our current policies and another
looking the other way."
     He said the task force's recommendation provides some
of the 65 synod bishops, synods and congregations "the
integrity they long for in openly welcoming our talented
and deeply committed sisters and brothers into our family
of shepherds and servants of the Gospel."
- - -
     The text of former Presiding Bishop Chilstrom's
assessment is at on the Web.

     The task force's "Report and Recommendation on
Ministry Policies" and "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust"
are available at on
the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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