


June 30, 2009  

ELCA Presiding Bishop Leads Bible Study At ELCIC National Convention
09-143 -TG/CD*

      CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), led a Bible study at the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada's (ELCIC) Biennial National
Convention June 27.
      The ELCIC is Canada's largest Lutheran denomination with 162,100
baptized members in 611 congregations. The ELCIC's National Convention
was held in Vancouver, British Columbia.
      Hanson drew his theme for the Bible study, "Living at the
Intersection of Fear and Hope," from the Gospel of John, where Jesus
appears to the disciples after his resurrection.
      Hanson said the church is often fearful, as the disciples were.  It
can withdraw and become possessive, distrustful and anti-neighborly, he
said.  In times of fear the church can distort itself into a fortress,
Hanson said.
      Instead of giving in to these pessimistic worldviews, the church
should adopt a "hermeneutic (a principle of interpretation) of joy" in
the midst of organizational challenges such as declining membership
numbers, Hanson said.
      "I don't know if the world is particularly interested in our
internal conflicts," he said. "I think it would be a powerful witness if
we learn how to engage in respectful discussion . that in our
differences, we come together with joy in the presence of the crucified,
risen Christ."
     The ELCIC and the ELCA are partner churches within the Lutheran
World Federation (LWF) -- a global communion representing 68.5 million
Lutherans. Hanson serves as the president of LWF.  The two churches share
some projects and initiatives, including Evangelical Lutheran Worship
resources, the Book of Faith Initiative, which encourages biblical
literacy, and cooperative work in global mission.
     * Trina Gallop is director of communications and stewardship for the 
     * Carrie L. Draeger is a senior communication major with a
concentration in journalism at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Wash.
This summer she is an intern with the ELCA News Service.

      More information on the ELCIC can be found at
on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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