


July 24, 2009  

ELCA Youth Walk through Scripture, Service at the Krewes Learning Center

     NEW ORLEANS (ELCA) -- Deborah was one tough cookie, according to
Mitzi McLean.
     "Women can be strong figures," she said.
     McLean, a member of Epiphany Lutheran Church, Winston-Salem, N.C.,
led a Bible study on Deborah, a biblical heroine, Thursday afternoon at
the Krewes Learning Center, part of the 2009 Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) Youth Gathering.
     Some 37,000 Lutheran teenagers, adult leaders and other volunteers
are here July 22-26. "Jesus Justice Jazz" is the theme of activities at
the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and the Louisiana Superdome. and
they're fanning out across the area to work beside the people of New
Orleans in nearly 200 community service projects.
     McLean is a servant companion volunteer at the event . She said she
came to New Orleans because she thought it was a chance to do some good.
     "I feel like I'm making an impact," she said.
     Learning center activities taught participants about topics such as
the global impact of HIV/AIDS, welcoming guests into their congregations,
and the relationship between the church and the environment.  Informal
learning settings called "integrators" gave the participants a chance to
reflect in groups on subjects such as the concept of the "American
Dream," conflicts in interpersonal relationships, and bullying.
Volunteers led workshops on images of Jesus, privilege and oppression,
serving God and spiritual formation.
     The youth at McLean's Bible study read Judges 4:1-22 and 5:1-31,
which depict Deborah's time as a judge, prophetess and warrior in
     "She played lots of roles.  We don't all have to be defined by one
role," McLean said of Deborah.
     She said she hoped that the youth realize that God can use people
in "seemingly small roles that fulfill a bigger mission." She also hoped
they will use the information that they get at the learning center during
their service projects, and when they get back home.
     "I think they can see that it has been done before (in Deborah's
story), and they can see the need right around them," McLean said of the
youth. "They are ready to go out and volunteer."
     Information about the 2009 ELCA Youth Gathering is at on the ELCA Web site.

     * Carrie L. Draeger is a senior communication major with a
concentration in journalism at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Wash.
This summer she is an intern with the ELCA News Service.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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