


July 24, 2009  

New Orleans Mayor Welcomes, Praises ELCA Youth Gathering Effort

     NEW ORLEANS (ELCA) -- Praising the "miracle" of the Youth Gathering
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the mayor of New
Orleans, C. Ray Nagin, issued a proclamation declaring July 24 "A Special
Day of Honor" on the ELCA and the gathering's volunteers for contributing
to the city's recovery.
     Nagin hosted a news conference at Joseph Brown Park in New Orleans
East, an area of the city devastated by severe flooding following the
collapse of levees in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  Some 200
volunteers, including the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA presiding bishop,
worked in summer heat to clear brush and debris in the park. 
     They are part of some 37,000 Lutheran teenagers, adult leaders and
other volunteers who are here July 22-26 for the 2009 Youth
Gathering. "Jesus Justice Jazz" is the theme of activities at the
convention center and the Louisiana Superdome. Participants are fanning
out across the area to nearly 200 community service sites.
     'Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," Nagin began in his remarks to the
     "You're welcome!" the volunteers responded.
     Aug. 29 is the fourth anniversary of the hurricane, Nagin
said.  "Four years of watching miracle after miracle. God is good!" the
mayor said.
     "All the time!" the volunteers responded.  The mayor and the
volunteers repeated the phrases in reverse.
     "I can tell you so many stories about how this city has overcome so
many different challenges. When the devil was the most busy, God stepped
in and did miracle after miracle. Today I'm looking at another miracle,"
the mayor told the volunteers.
     Nagin noted the significant presence of the Youth Gathering
participants, adult chaperones and volunteers throughout the city this
week. "We have had so many volunteers to come from around the country and
around the world, but for some reason your presence here is different,
special and takes everything to the next level," he noted.
     About 80 percent of the city's residents have returned since
Katrina, the mayor said, adding there's some $20 billion worth of
construction activity currently in the city.
     Hanson thanked the mayor for the recognition, but said, "We have not
come to call attention to ourselves.  We have come to do God's work with
our hands.  We have come not to shine light on us, but to learn from the
people of New Orleans.  I want to say on behalf of the people of ELCA,
thank you to you, thank you to the people of New Orleans for being our
     Hanson said the ELCA had made a commitment for the 2009 Youth
Gathering to be in New Orleans before Katrina.  After the storm and
destruction, Hanson said it was clear "God was calling us to keep that
commitment, and so we are here."
     He also offered special thanks to ELCA members in New Orleans and
southeastern Louisiana for their tireless work and for "being the
presence of the Lutheran Church" here.  Hanson said the ELCA
is "committed to standing with (ELCA members in Louisiana) and the people
of the city for the continued recovery that lies ahead."
     Hanson presented the same backpacks the youth received to the mayor
and Cynthia Willard-Lewis, a New Orleans city council member who
represents New Orleans East.
     "This is a remarkable group of people," said Heidi Hagstrom,
director, ELCA Youth Gathering to Nagin. "They are remarkable because
your citizens are remarkable."
      Hagstrom noted that 30,000 people had registered for the gathering
in the first 24 hours of registration. "That is an expression to you of
how important we think your city is to the history of our country, and
how much we take seriously our call to stand with you in the midst of all
your struggles," she said.
     On July 25 the ELCA, with local partners, will host a free health
fair in City Park for residents.  Free immunizations will be offered to
students, and blood pressure and diabetes screening will be offered to
adults.  The ELCA will also host reading fairs in five locations in the
city to promote literacy.  Books will given to school-age children.
     Information about the 2009 Youth Gathering is at on the ELCA Web Site.
     Audio of Mayor Nagin's comments is at and on the ELCA Web site.
     Audio of Presiding Bishop Hanson's comments is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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