


September 24, 2009  

Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists Mark 10th Anniversary of Joint Declaration

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will join
Catholics and Methodists here Oct. 1 in a 10th anniversary celebration of
a historic agreement, the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of
Justification (JDDJ).
     Leaders of the LWF and the Catholic Church signed the Joint
Declaration on Oct. 31, 1999, in Augsburg, Germany, after years of
theological dialogue.  It was affirmed in 2006 by the World Methodist
     "The 10th anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration
provides a joyful occasion for thanking God for our level of agreement on
this central doctrine of our Christian faith. The JDDJ is a powerful
testimony to what can be achieved when churches remain in dialogue
addressing questions that have separated us for centuries," said the Rev.
Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America and LWF president.
     The JDDJ declared that the LWF and the Catholic Church had reached a
common understanding on justification, agreeing that believers are saved
by faith in Jesus Christ and not by works. The churches declared that
certain 16th century condemnations of each other no longer applied.
Interpretations of justification caused disagreement in the church nearly
500 years earlier, which led to the Protestant Reformation.
     The JDDJ also said that "by the action of the Holy Spirit in
Baptism, (sinners) are granted the gift of salvation, which lays the
basis for the whole Christian life."
     "While the JDDJ does not cover everything that Catholics, Lutherans
and Methodists teach about justification, and does not resolve all
differences, this consensus on basic truths of the doctrine of
justification marks the most significant agreement since the days of the
Reformation," said the Rev. Donald J. McCoid, executive, ELCA Ecumenical
and Inter-Religious Relations. "Remaining differences are not
sufficiently substantial for the 16th century condemnations to continue
in force."
     The Oct. 1 celebration will be held here at Old St. Patrick's
Church.  A second international observance is to be held Oct. 31 in
     The Chicago celebration will include a service of evening prayer
followed by a reception for guests. Hanson and Cardinal Francis George,
who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago and is president of
the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, are hosting the event.  The Most
Rev. Wilton D. Gregory, archbishop of Atlanta, will deliver the homily.
     The Rev. Ishmael Noko, LWF general secretary, will also address the
celebration. Among Methodist leaders present and participating in prayers
will be Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, president, Council of Bishops, United
Methodist Church.
     Members of the ELCA Conference of Bishops plan to attend the
celebration as part of the conference's regular fall meeting Oct. 1-6.
     The JDDJ is a part of seminary education and is often cited as a
significant achievement in religious history, McCoid said.  Promoting
education and sharing among members "is a renewed hope for greater
understanding among members of our faith traditions," he said.
     Hanson added that he hopes the celebration is a time "for renewing
our commitment to continue to resolve the issues that still divide us,"
and he encouraged congregations and members to reach out to each other in
faith and in service to others.
     Information about the Oct. 1 Chicago JDDJ celebration is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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