

Obadiah 10-16

Do not gloat over another's misfortune

    For the slaughter and violence done to your brother Jacob,
        shame shall cover you,
        and you shall be cut off forever. 
     On the day that you stood aside,
        on the day that strangers carried off his wealth,
    and foreigners entered his gates
        and cast lots for Jerusalem,
        you too were like one of them. 
     But you should not have gloated over your brother
        on the day of his misfortune;
    you should not have rejoiced over the people of Judah
        on the day of their ruin;
    you should not have boasted
        on the day of distress. 
     You should not have entered the gate of my people
        on the day of their calamity;
    you should not have joined in the gloating over Judah's disaster
        on the day of his calamity;
    you should not have looted his goods
        on the day of his calamity. 
     You should not have stood at the crossings
        to cut off his fugitives;
    you should not have handed over his survivors
        on the day of distress.
     For the day of the Lord is near against all the nations.
    As you have done, it shall be done to you;
        your deeds shall return on your own head. 
     For as you have drunk on my holy mountain,
        all the nations around you shall drink;
    they shall drink and gulp down,
        and shall be as though they had never been.

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