


October 25, 2011  

ELCA members respond to record-level rainfall in Central America

     CHICAGO (ELCA) - Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) are responding to record-level rainfall in Central America
that has caused flooding and mudslides in rural and urban areas. Through
ELCA Disaster Response, $23,000 has been allocated for Lutheran companion
churches in Guatemala and Nicaragua to address immediate humanitarian
needs. The ELCA is also working with Lutheran companion churches and
local partners in El Salvador and Honduras, as damage assessments
continue across the entire region.
     A tropical storm depression that began Oct. 10 produced heavy
rainfall, primarily along the Pacific Coast of Central America. More than
90 people have died and hundreds of thousands of people are displaced
from their homes and living in emergency shelters.
     The rains have also affected the current harvest season. It is
expected that the loss of crops will yield a shortage of seeds for the
2012 planting season.
     ELCA churchwide and synod staff and ELCA missionary personnel, along
with colleagues from Lutheran companion churches across Central America,
The Lutheran World Federation and ACT Alliance (Action by Churches
Together) are working together to share information, assess needs and
garner resources to support disaster response efforts.
     Stephen Deal, ELCA regional representative for Central America, said
the country most impacted is El Salvador. He reported that the amount of
rainfall for the past 10 days is 140 percent more than Hurricane Mitch,
which struck El Salvador and other Central American countries in 1998.
     Deal said the small size of El Salvador has made it possible for the
Salvadoran Lutheran Church (Iglesia Luterana Salvadorena) and local
partners to reach affected communities and conduct initial assessments.
This is enabling partners to respond to 1,100 families living along the
     In Guatemala, 35 people have died as a result of the rain. More than
478,000 people have experienced material losses, including 59,121 people
who are homeless.
     Both Guatemala and Nicaragua have been declared states of "national
calamity." While Honduras has been the least affected, there is concern
regarding shelter for people who have been evacuated, according to Deal.
     On Oct. 25, the Rev. Daniel Rift, director for ELCA World Hunger and
Disaster Appeal, alerted ELCA congregations and synods about the
situation in Central America, requesting their support. Made possible by
gifts to ELCA Disaster Response, people displaced by the floods are
receiving clean water, food and shelter.
     Financial gifts to the ELCA Disaster Response, designated
as "Central American Flooding," will be used 100 percent to support
disaster response efforts in Central America for the immediate and long-
term. Donate now at:
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About the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:
The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United
States, with 4.2 million members in 10,000 congregations across the 50
states and in the Caribbean region. Known as the church of "God's work.
Our hands," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in
Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's
roots are in the writings of the German church reformer, Martin Luther.

For information contact:
Melissa Ramirez Cooper
773-380-2956 [log in to unmask]
Living Lutheran: