


September 12, 2012  

ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds To New U.S. Poverty Data

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- In response to the new poverty figures released
today by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), said that this
church's commitment to those who live in poverty is "a biblical imperative
for which Christ frees us to serve."
     The poverty rate fell to 15 percent in 2011, down slightly from 15.1
percent from the year before. More than one in seven U.S. citizens -- or
46.2 million people -- lived in poverty in 2011, including more than 16
million children.
     In addition to the release of these figures, videos from U.S.
President Barack Obama and the former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt
Romney, were released today at the National Press Club. The videos feature
what each presidential candidate proposes to do to provide help and
opportunity for people who are living in poverty in the United States and
     "These videos can encourage us to ask all seeking public office to
make those living in poverty their priority," said Hanson.
     Through the Circle of Protection, Hanson and other Christian leaders
asked the 2012 U.S. presidential candidates to produce a short video
addressing poverty.
     "The Circle of Protection, of which we are a charter member, gives us
the opportunity to hold public officials accountable to this being a
shared commitment," said Hanson.
     The videos are meant to serve as a resource for faith groups across
the country to engage in dialogue about hunger and poverty.
     According to the Circle of Protection, the videos "in no way offers
or implies an endorsement of either candidate or the proposals in their
statement. Likewise, the participation of Governor Romney and President
Obama does not offer or imply an endorsement of the positions taken by the
Circle of Protection or its members."
     For more than a year leaders of various Christian denominations,
including the ELCA, have come together to advocate for a "circle of
protection" around funding for programs that are vital to people living in
     "The ELCA advocacy team was glad to contribute to this effort," said
the Rev. Andrew Genszler, who directs advocacy ministries at ELCA
churchwide ministries.
     "I hope congregations, pastors, college and seminary classes and
other groups will thoughtfully use these videos to engage in discussion
about public issues during this presidential campaign," he said.
     "We are a church that rolls up it sleeves and gets to work, and the
most effective advocacy I've seen arises out of stories from the global
and community work we do together as Lutherans to combat hunger and
poverty," said Genszler, adding that Lutherans engage public officials
because "we believe government should work well for our neighbors,
especially those who are poor and hungry. Speaking out for strong public
policy that helps our struggling neighbors is another way ELCA members
serve communities in the United States and across the world."
    "Jesus worked and lived with people on the margins of society, and our
call as a church is to continue that ministry," said the Rev. Kathryn M.
Lohre, president of the National Council of Churches and director of
ecumenical and inter-religious relations at ELCA churchwide ministries.
     "God's church is at work bringing offerings of food to share with
hungry people, shelter those without homes in our fellowship halls, and
creating support networks like job clubs and employment ministries. Yet,
that is not enough. We must also create a society that provides for those
in need," she said.
     The Rev. Daniel Rift, director for ELCA World Hunger, said it is
important to note that "this is not a partisan issue. We are pleased that
(addressing poverty and hunger) is part of the platform for those who are
running for president, and others seeking leadership in this country, that
they are taking a very proactive role."
     Rift said some "statistics would show that we have not turned the
corner on concern for poverty. In fact for many people it is increasingly
difficult for them to feed their families, provide shelter and address
other needs."
     The ELCA is "one of the frontline organizations responding to hunger,
and we have been intensively aware of this, and the only reason that we
have seen an increase in food security in this country is because of the
helping ministries of this church and the kind of programs designed over
many years in being really effective in addressing hunger," he said.
     "But the underlying concern for poverty in this country has got to be
one that is paramount as part of our common life. Almost every
congregation of the ELCA, in one way or another, ties into their local
hunger work, the work we do together nationally and globally through ELCA
World Hunger. It is an intensively important part of the witness of being
Christ's people in our day and age," said Rift.
     The Circle of Protection is made up of more than 65 leaders of
denominations, relief and development agencies and other Christian
organizations in the United States. The videos are available at
About the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:
The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United
States, with 4.2 million members in 10,000 congregations across the 50
states and in the Caribbean region. Known as the church of "God's work.
Our hands," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in
Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's
roots are in the writings of the German church reformer, Martin Luther.

For information contact:
Melissa Ramirez Cooper
773-380-2956 or [log in to unmask]
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