

Title: African American and Hispanic Consultations


About 70 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
gathered in Chicago Jan. 19-21 for "Making Christ Known Throughout
the Village that Raises the Child," an African American Consultation.
 The Rev. Eric T. Campbell, ELCA director for African American and
Synodical Ministries said the consultation was a time to do some
strategic planning "about how we, as African Americans in the church,
can be pro-active."  Participants generated a list "of what
African-American Lutherans need," said Campbell, including: a
communication and support network, to be accountable to each other,
healing, stronger congregations, to empower lay people and to support
the African American Lutheran Association and make it
self-sufficient.  Consultation participants met in four groups to
brainstorm for future possibilities: for healing, the communication
network, congregation building and the African American Lutheran
Association.  Campbell works in the ELCA's Commission for
Multicultural Ministries.  On Jan. 22-23 about 18 people gathered for
a Hispanic Ministries Consultation.  The Rev. Gregory J. Villal#n,
bishop of the ELCA's Caribbean Synod coordinated the consultation.
Villal#n assumes the position of ELCA director for Hispanic
Ministries and Leadership Ministries, May 1.  A Native American
Gathering and Consultation was held Jan. 25-28 in Las Vegas.
Kathleen Fleury is director of ELCA Native American Ministries.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service, (312)
380-2058; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Assit. Dir., (312) 380-2956