

Title: Hein-Fry Lectures Via Satellite

March 11, 1996


Interactive lectures via satellite will be
added to the annual lecture series of all
eight seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America.  The Rev. Philip J.
Hefner, professor of systematic theology,
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, and
the Rev. Timothy Lull, academic dean and
professor of systematic theology, Pacific
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley,
Calif., will present the 1996 Hein-Fry
Lecture Series.  In addition to the
traditional campus visits -- each speaker
visiting four campuses -- both presenters
will take part in a video conference on
April 29 from Austin, Texas, with 15
downlink sites across the United States.
The presenters explore the role and shape of
the church for mission in the present
individualistic and spiritually hungry age
by addressing the question: "How is the
Church Necessary for Salvation?"  Hefner
began the series Feb. 1-2 at the Lutheran
Theological Southern Seminary, Columbus,
S.C.; Feb. 15-16 at Pacific Lutheran
Theological Seminary, Berkeley, Calif.; and
Feb. 29 at the Lutheran Theological Seminary
at Gettysburg, Pa.  Lull continues the
series April 16 at the Lutheran Theological
Seminary at Philadelphia; April 17-18 at
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.; April 24
at the Lutheran School of Theology at
Chicago; and April 26 at Wartburg
Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa.  Hefner
closes the series May 2-3 at Trinity
Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir.,
ELCA News Service, (312) 380-2058; Frank
Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956