

News from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

June 6, 1996


The New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America is investigating "the handling and history
of the synod's finances," and a formal audit failed to verify
"certain restricted funds" of the synod.  Bradford E. Cook,
the synod's counsel, referred the discovery to the
Connecticut State's Attorney.  Bishop Robert L. Isaksen
said, "Investments in an entity known as First Cheshire
Investment Associates of Cheshire, Conn., and certain
checks written on synod accounts to individuals or entities
which are unknown or are inappropriate for receipt of
such funds have apparently made funds and accounts
impossible to verify and balance."  The amount of
questionable checks and investments appears to exceed
$740,000.  "Restricted funds" do not involve the regular
operating funds of the synod or its contributions to church
hunger programs.  The ELCA's New England Synod is
77,340 Lutherans in 195 congregations throughout
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island and Vermont.  The synod has an annual
budget of about $1.8 million.  At the recommendation of a
synod task force, the synod treasurer's office was moved
from Cheshire, Conn., to the synod's main office in
Worcester, Mass., after the completion of George A.
Patrick's 13 years as treasurer.  The synod will elect a new
treasurer at its annual assembly June 6-8 in Sturbridge,
Mass.  In a May 28 letter to New England Lutherans,
Isaksen said, "Our primary responsibility is to protect all
the resources entrusted to this church, including its money.
We recognize the high public trust our members have
placed in us, and we are committed to keeping and
honoring that trust."  He promised to keep clergy and
congregations informed of results of the ongoing

[ELCA News and Information: 8765 W. Higgins Road,
Chicago, IL   60631; phone 312/380-2963]