

News from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

June 6, 1996


The military closure of the Gaza Strip by Israel denies
movement of people and goods, causing hardship for the
Palestinian residents, according to Action by Churches
Together (ACT).  The majority of workers cannot travel
to jobs in Israel.  The action prevents people from
providing the necessities of life for families and damages
Gaza#s economic base.  Fishing is restricted, and Gazan
students cannot travel to schools and universities in the
West Bank.  ACT is raising funds to provide basic health
needs, welfare relief and education grants in support of the
most critical needs of poor families.  ACT is a worldwide
network of churches, including the Lutheran World
Federation, meeting human need through coordinated
emergency response.  Although Israel claims to have
eased the closure recently, ACT's partner, the Middle East
Council of Churches# Department of Service to Palestinian
Refugees, reports worsening conditions for the 934,000
people living in the 360 square-kilometer area governed
by the Palestinian National Authority.  Shortages of basic
commodities are reported.  Shipments of flowers and fruits
for export have been left rotting at check points.
Restrictions on the flow of goods, including raw materials
for construction, are severe, according to ACT.  Taxes
and duties which help to operate the Palestinian Authority
have dropped dramatically.  In an economy which before
closure had an unemployment rate of 60 percent, the
closures have added more jobless to the rolls.  Health care
is jeopardized because most Gazan patients must travel
outside for specialist treatment.  Since closure, authorities
have withheld permission from Palestinians trying to visit
relatives in prison inside Israel.   The Lutheran World
Federation is a worldwide communion of 122 member
churches, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church is

[ELCA News and Information: 8765 W. Higgins Road,
Chicago, IL   60631; phone 312/380-2963]