

Title: Women of the ELCA Convention Workshop Options

July 14, 1996


     MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) -- Meeting here for the Women of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Third Triennial Convention,
5,700 participants choose from about 200 workshop options.
     Some examples: Singing Our Faith Today;  Involving Youth in the
Women of the ELCA; Gospel and Peace Themes in Children's Literature;
Round tables were held on such diverse subjects as newsletter design,
organ donation, campus ministry, HIV/AIDS issues, and the Middle East
Peace Process.  What follows are some highlights.
     Professor Diane Jacobson, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, leader of
From Slavery to Service: A Study of Exodus--the 1997 Bible Study: "I
love Scripture and I love Exodus, which is really the center of the
Old Testament." "When reading a story in Scripture, ask yourself  Who
has a name?  Who does the action?'"
     From a video shown in Kathryn Wolford's workshop More Legs ...
Less Arms Let's Ban Land Mines and Build Peace: "One person steps on
the landmine, but all of our lives change."  A participant commented
about this workshop: "Wolford made clear the connection between
land mines and hunger.  Farm land can't be tilled if it's full of
mines.  And in a farming society, when people lose their limbs, they
can no longer work to feed their families." Wolford is director
of Lutheran World Relief.
     A participant from Toledo, Ohio, said about The Road from Mecca
to Calvary: My Personal Faith Journey: "I was really impressed.  I got
a lot out of Shai Celeste's workshop--the Muslim population in Toledo
is growing.  Everyone had tears when she was telling her faith
     Janine Fagan, New Haven, Conn., reflected on Positive Parenting:
"It was a good reminder about not using physical punishment--to do
   It was interesting to hear about other parents' problems with their
children--helps you realize you're not the only one."
     Brad Huffey in Journey of Faith: From Denial to Acceptance of
Homosexuality: "I was in internal turmoil. I couldn't tell anyone
because I didn't want to hurt my parents. The pain I felt from
people's rejection was not as bad as the pain I felt internally."  A
participant in the workshop, on welcoming gay and lesbian people said,
"The church where I am secretary puts the line  We are a church for
all people' on all of their printed materials."
     Beulah Nelson, Cushing Wis., on Gambling: Recreation or Risk: It
was very good. The session made interesting connections that I hadn't
thought of before. I didn't know gambling was such a big problem."
     On Self-Esteem: Out With the Negative, In with the Positive, Judy
Lalim of Maynard, Minn., comments: "It made us see that each of us has
a unique gift. And if we don't use those gifts, those gifts are lost."

     For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956