

Title: ELCA Men of Faith: Together in Spirit

July 25, 1996


     MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) -- About 325 men gathered here July 19-
21 at Augsburg College for the 1996 Lutheran Men's Gathering,
"Men of Faith: Together in Spirit."  The gathering explored the
faith and character of men's lives in changing times through
speakers, worship and workshops.
     "Our church is ready for new ideas, new initiatives," said
the Rev. H. George Anderson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America, in greetings to the gathering.
Anderson said he sees many signs of hope as he travels throughout
the church.  One of those signs of hope, he said, is that men are
recovering their role in the ongoing march of faith.
     God has called us to be molders, motivators, and mentors,
said the Rev. Walt Kallestad, Community Church of Joy, Glendale,
Ariz.  "God wants us to be the person, the riverbed, the conduit
that the riches of God's kingdom can be powered through."
     The Rev. Jerome Dorsey issued a challenge to the men.  "I
dare you to be dangerous as we build together as men of faith."
Be intimidating to evil in all its manifestations, said  Dorsey,
assistant to the bishop in the ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod.
     "This assembly was dynamic," said Brian Smith,
Shoemakersville, Pa.  "I enjoyed the fellowship with persons from
all over the country.  I couldn't believe how much we all have in
     "After a Promise Keepers gathering, this is it.  Promise
Keepers is a good one-day event, a quick fix.  This LMM event
helps more with giving me something I can use every single day of
my life," said Smith.
     Doug Neill, Lincoln, Neb., who is involved in two men's
groups outside Lutheran circles, said, "The thoughtful messages
from the speeches here has been geared to reaching out to the
lost worlds.
     "The speakers told us, 'Don't be ashamed to say that you
believe." In the past Lutheran tradition has been inward.  We're
now asking men to get involved in spreading the Good News.  I
pray that the power of the Spirit will help us do this."
     Other featured speakers and leaders included the Rev.
Richard Jensen, director of cluster planning for three ELCA
seminaries, and Tom Eggum, minister for outreach, Community
Church of Joy.
     Workshop topics included prayer life, reconciliation,
Promise Keepers, clown ministry, relationships with women, and
the sexual exploitation of youth.
     Featured music leaders for the men's gathering included
"Dakota Road" from Sioux Falls, S.D. and "The Moos Band" from
Moorhead, Minn.
     As part of the gathering, about 150 delegates attended the
fourth biennial assembly of Lutheran Men in Mission, the men's
organization of the ELCA, on July 19.  The assembly elected its
board, acted on resolutions and adopted a budget.
     Charles R. Schwartz, Fredericksburg, Tex., was elected
president.  Schwartz previously was the LMM secretary.  Steve
Crane, Ilion, N.Y., was re-elected vice president; Samuel
Richardson, Chicago, secretary and Ken Getzin, Rancho Palas
Verde, Calif., treasurer.
     Delegates from each of the nine regions of the ELCA elected
members to the LMM board: Gene Johnson, McMinnville, Ore.; Don
Helgren, Temple City, Calif.; Allen Anderson, Paynesville, Minn.;
Alton Luedke, Sinton, Texas; Rollie Fredrickson, Chippewa Falls,
Wis.; Bernie Bresson, Louisville, Ohio; Steve Dunning, Boyertown,
Pa.; Art Johnson, Kane, Pa.; and Clarence Pugh, Newton, N.C.
     The organization adopted a 1997 budget of $150,620.
Resolutions were passed supporting a comprehensive ban of land
mines and to pray for and support those African American churches
intentionally burned in the South.
     Lutheran Men in Mission has about 5,000 members in more than
3,000 congregations all 65 synods of the ELCA.  There are 41
synod LMM organizations.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956