

Title: ELCA Youth Organization President Resigns


July 30, 1996


Vance Robbins, president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America's Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) resigned July 10.
"It has been a long, yet exciting, seven years of service to God,
the young people of the ELCA and the church" he said.  Robbins
was elected at the 1994 National Youth Gathering that brought
35,000 people to Atlanta.  He previously served as chair of the
LYO's Multicultural Advisory Committee.  In a letter to the LYO,
Robbins wrote: "Although I am leaving this part of my ministry, I
offer my support to all of you and will help you as much as I can
in this transition and for the upcoming gathering and
convention."  The Rev. Mark Moller-Gunderson, executive director,
Division for Congregational Ministries, said, "LYO has been
blessed with a young adult of considerable talent and skill, and
one who has helped the organization to grow and mature.  We are
mindful of the many hours and days Vance offered to this church
in congregations, synods, regions and the churchwide
organization."  Karris Golden, Forest City, Iowa, will serve as
president until the 1997 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.
Golden was LYO vice-president.  LYO is housed in the ELCA's
Division for Congregational Ministries.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956