

Title: ELCA Membership Remains Stable

June 27, 1996


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- With a total of 5,190,489 baptized members
in 11,023 congregations across the United States and the
Caribbean, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America remained
largely stable in membership for 1995, according to a report of
annual statistics from the ELCA Office of the Secretary.
     That figure represented a slight decrease of 8,559 from
5,199,048 in 1994.  The decrease was less than two-tenths of one
percent (0.16 percent).
     The number of congregations increased by 50 from 10,973 in
1994 to 11,023 in 1995.
     For the second consecutive year, congregations reported an
increase in baptisms of adults 16 years and over -- up 137
persons from 7,521 in 1994 to 7,658 in 1995.  Affirmations of
faith also increased by 2,368 -- up from 55,386 in 1994 to 57,754
in 1995.
     "Affirmation of faith is often made by former Lutherans and
others who have allowed their church membership to lapse into
inactivity," said the Rev. Lowell G. Almen, ELCA secretary.  "An
increase in members returning to their faith and church roots is
always a welcome sign."
     The number of youth confirmed in 1995 increased by almost
one percent over 1994 -- up 501 from 54,528 in 1994 -- for the
second year in a row.
     "Losses attributable to roll cleaning by congregations were
down substantially again in 1995 as in 1994," Almen noted.  In
1995, congregations of the ELCA reported 3,247 fewer losses -- a
decrease from 156,481 to 153,234 -- for reasons other than deaths
and transfers.
     Congregations of the ELCA continued to report fewer baptisms
of children under age 16 -- down 1,233 to 79,090 in 1995.  Fewer
baptisms reflect the declining birth rate in the general
population, said Almen.
     Confirmed membership in 1995 for ELCA congregations was
3,845,063 -- down 4,629 from 1994.
     Communing and contributing membership, indicators of active
participation, remained steady at 2,560,474 in 1995 compared with
2,563,892 in 1994.
     The average number of persons at worship on weekends, which
is another indicator of participation by members in the life of
congregations, remained the same in 1995 as in 1994.
     About 1.6 million or 30.28 percent of all baptized members
attend worship each week.  Since the ELCA was formed in 1988,
average worship attendance has fluctuated slightly between 30 and
31 percent.
     The number of unconfirmed children partaking of the
sacrament of Holy Communion increased by 2.63 percent from
233,347 in 1994 to 239,505 in 1995.
     The average number of baptized members per congregation was
471, and the average confirmed membership was 349.  In 1995, the
average number for communing and contributing members per
congregation was 232.
     Losses due to deaths increased slightly -- up 476 from
46,777 in 1994 to 47,253 in 1995.
     For 1995, 2.09 percent of ELCA baptized members are African
American, Asian, Hispanic or Native American.  For 1994, the
percentage was 2.07.
     All ethnic communities showed increases in numbers in 1995.
The actual numbers were:  African American membership, 49,460, up
304; Asian and Pacific Islander membership, 22,007, up 137;
Hispanic membership, 28,118, up 457; and Native American
membership, 6,912, up 227.  Some 3,926 members declared their
race or ethnic heritage as "other."
     In 1988, the year of its birth, the ELCA counted 98,166
African American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American members.
By 1995, that number increased to 110,423 persons.
     More than 9,357 congregations reported having Sunday schools
that involved 886,744 pupils and 141,754 leaders.  A total of
7,188 congregations reported holding vacation Bible schools in
     Ninety percent of ELCA congregations returned completed
reports for 1995, according to the annual report of the Office of
the Secretary.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956