

Title: ELCA Conference on  Rural Concerns

July 11, 1996


     MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) -- "We are an identifiable people on an
identifiable journey," said Marj Leegard, quoting theologian Walter
Brueggemann, to 30 people gathered here for a conference on Rural
Concerns July 9-10.  The conference preceded the Women of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Third Triennial Convention
meeting July 11-14 under the theme "Proclaim God's Peace."
     The farm, as a place of conducting one's livelihood, is under
tremendous stress and change today.  Economics and large
agribusinesses make family farming an almost vanishing
occupation, said Leegard.  With-tongue-somewhat-in-cheek, she shared
her husband Jerome's quip, "Farming is a great hobby, if you can
afford it."  Marj is a columnist for "The Lutheran Woman Today"
magazine, periodical of the organization.  She and Jerome farm near
Detroit Lakes, Minn.
     The group -- 29 women and one man, a farmer from Texas who with
his wife is attending his third triennial women's convention -- shared
questions and ideas on the nature, joys, and plights of farming.
There was some poignant discussion and sharing about domestic  abuse
in rural areas.
     "Fast-Food Women," a video featuring situations of women in rural
Appalachian towns who work for minimum wage or less, sparked dialogue
in small-group discussions.  Despite the difficulties portrayed in the
video, participants saw hopeful signs and possibilities for
involvement of church people, especially as advocates.
     The Rev. Gretchen E. Ritola, an assistant to the bishop of the
ELCA's Nebraska Synod and worship leader for the event, challenged
participants to let God take the lead in their lives, because God's
presence is the one sure thing we can count on.   She left the group
with the charge to recount their faith stories because stories are not
just stories but they carry the message of God.
     Other pre-convention workshops dealt with conflict resolution,
domestic violence and leadership skills.

     For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956