

Title: ELCA Vice President Speaks at Women of the ELCA Convention

July 14, 1996


     MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) -- "Do you understand how profoundly my
experiences in this organization have shaped my life?" Kathy J. Magnus
asked about 5,700 who had gathered here July 13 for the Third
Triennial Convention of Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America.  Magnus is vice president of the ELCA, the highest ranking
lay person in the church.
     She described "snapshots of some cherished women in my life" who
had inspired her involvement in the church and who had influenced her
personal growth.  The "pictures" exposed twenty years of
     Each "snapshot" illustrated an experience that challenged her.
Magnus expressed fears that she was not ready for the responsibilities
she would face in every new situation, but the women she met often
shared that fear or understood and helped her cope.
     Magnus went to her first synod women's organization convention in
1975.  "We didn't know each other or how closely our lives would
connect because of our common faith and our journey in this
organization," she said.
     "In that synodical organization I learned about planning,
evaluating, budgets and budgeting.  I observed how the president ran
the meetings.  I learned how to articulate what I was thinking," said
Magnus -- all skills she now uses to chair the ELCA Church Council.
     "My faith grew in the intentional use of prayer and Bible study,
which is the cornerstone of this organization," she said.  In Denver,
Magnus is an assistant to Bishop Allan C. Bjornberg of the ELCA's
Rocky Mountain Synod.
     "Because of my involvement with the women's organization, in 1984
I was chosen to represent our church at the seventh assembly of the
Lutheran World Federation in Budapest,Hungary," said Magnus.
     "Not a day goes by that I don't rely on skills learned in the
women's organization," said Magnus.  "As I have represented this
church in the far corners of the world, the photos that are closest to
my heart have been of women living out their faith in their own
     Magnus stressed the importance of Women of the ELCA to attract
young Lutheran women and to give them a chance to share in such
experiences that she has enjoyed since her youth.  "Do you understand
the profound need our church has to raise up strong women leaders --
women who, hand in hand, working together, will give shape and vision
to this church for generations?"
     "Do you understand the photos that are being taken here tonight?"
she asked.  "Do you understand the thousands of lives that you have
affected in the past year because of this organization?"
     "We are making sacred photos -- photos of women whose lives are
entwined -- photos of women who are proud to bear the name "Women of
the ELCA" -- photos of women in many colors -- photos of women whose
lives will be changed because of the message of peace we
proclaim and live," said Magnus.

     For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir.,(312) 380-2956