

Title: "Full Communion" on the ELCA Agenda

November 18, 1996


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
will vote in 1997 to enter into partnerships of "full communion"
with the Episcopal Church and with three Reformed churches:
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Reformed Church in America and
United Church of Christ.  The ELCA Church Council, meeting here
Nov. 7-11, placed the final wording of both resolutions on the
agenda of the ELCA's 1997 Churchwide Assembly.
     A representative from each church body addressed the council
and answered questions.  The assembly of each church will take a
similar vote for full communion with the ELCA in 1997 before the
ELCA votes.
     "Thank you for your unanimous vote.  This is a great day in
the ecumenical world," said the Rev. Eugene G. Turner, PCUSA
associate stated clerk.  He described several points in recent
history when his church voted to maintain the process leading up
to a decision next year.
     "The vote will reflect the doctrinal consensus that has been
developing over the past 32 years," said the Rev. Douglas W.
Fromm Jr., RCA associate for ecumenical relations.
     "There is a readiness available to us that will not be
available to us again," said the Rev. John H. Thomas, UCC
assistant to the president for ecumenical concerns.  "Many of our
congregations see this as an opportunity for the national
churches to receive what God is already doing in our local
     The council is transmitting a resolution it received from a
Lutheran-Reformed Coordinating Committee.  The first resolve is
that the ELCA "adopt 'A Formula of Agreement' on the basis of 'A
Common Calling' and declare that it is in full communion" with
the three Reformed churches.  Three other resolves will make the
agreement effective when all four churches pass the resolution,
appoint a committee to coordinate its implementation and direct
the ELCA's presiding bishop to present a progress report to the
1999 Churchwide Assembly.
     "A Common Calling" was the report of the Lutheran-Reformed
Committee for Theological Conversations 1988-1992, ending with
the recommendation that the four participating church bodies
enter into full communion.  The Formula of Agreement was issued
in 1995 clarifying how to implement full communion.
     The council is also transmitting to its churchwide assembly
a "Concordat of Agreement" revised by a Joint Lutheran-Episcopal
Coordinating Committee.  The Concordat lists a series of actions
the two churches will take to enact full communion.  The first is
that in each church's governing body "there shall be one binding
vote to accept or reject, as a matter of verbal content as well
as in principle, and without separate amendment, the full set of
agreements to follow."
     Using the multicultural ministry work of both churches as an
example, the Rev. William A. Norgren, retired ecumenical officer
of the Episcopal Church, said full communion will allow
"collaboration among responsible people."  He said, "The freedom
of the Holy Spirit opens all kinds of opportunities."
     The principles of full communion are similar for both
agreements.  The churches will not merge.  They will have:

*    a common confessing of the Christian faith
*    a mutual recognition of Baptism and sharing of the Lord's
     Supper, allowing for joint worship and an exchangeability of
*    a mutual recognition and availability of ordained ministers
     to the service of all members of churches in full communion,
     subject only but always to the disciplinary regulations of
     the other churches
*    common commitment to evangelism, witness and service
*    a means of common decision making on critical issues of
     faith and life
*    a mutual lifting of any condemnations that exist between

     Fromm addressed a concern Lutherans often raised in
conversations with the Reformed churches -- the UCC ordaining
homosexuals as pastors without the expectation that they abstain
from homosexual sexual relationships.  The RCA is also concerned
with that practice and has issued a formal request that the UCC
enter into conversations with it on the topic, he said.
     Fromm said full communion carries the responsibilities of
"mutual admiration and admonition" -- to compliment and to
reprimand the other church.  It allows the two churches to enter
such significant discussions "without naming these issues as
church dividing."
     The Lutheran-Episcopal Concordat includes an "Agreement in
the Doctrine of the Faith" and a description of the joint
participation of both churches in the ordination of Episcopal
bishops and in the installation of Lutheran bishops.
     The Rev. Stephen M. Youngdahl, council member from Austin,
Texas, raised concerns with a statement in the Concordat that
"the threefold ministry of bishops, presbyters and deacons in
historic succession will be the future pattern of the one
ordained ministry of Word and Sacrament shared corporately within
the two churches."  The ELCA does not include its associates in
ministry, deaconesses or diaconal ministers in its ordained
     Norgren explained that the emphasis of the statement is the
historic succession that joint participation in the installation
of Lutheran bishops would bring.  It did not imply that the
Lutheran church would have the Episcopal threefold office of
ordained ministry.
     The Rev. Robert L. Isaksen, bishop of the ELCA's New England
Synod and an advisory member of the council, said Youngdahl's
concern was addressed in the Concordat's next section: "The
Episcopal Church hereby recognizes now the full authenticity of
the ordained ministries presently existing within the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America."
     The Reformed Church in America will hold its General Synod
in Milwaukee, June 14-20.  The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will
hold its General Assembly in Syracuse, N.Y., June 14-21.  The
United Church of Christ will hold its General Synod in Columbus,
Ohio, July 3-8.  The Episcopal Church will hold its General
Convention in Philadelphia, July 15-25.  The Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America will hold its Churchwide Assembly in
Philadelphia, Aug. 14-20.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir.,
(312) 380-2955 or [log in to unmask]