

Title: Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Respond to Aging Society

December 9, 1996


Leaders of Lutheran ministries outdoors took on issues of an
aging America with "Celebrate Life: Outdoor Ministry in Our Aging
Society," a conference at Beaver Creek, Colo.  The event was
developed out of a concern for an aging society, according to its
sponsors, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and National
Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association.  About 400 outdoor
ministry professionals learned about the aging process, older
adult issues and programmatic opportunities for outdoor
ministries through workshops and presentations at the Oct. 30-
Nov. 3 event.  "Participants looked at ways of enhancing outdoor
ministry programs, extending beyond youth to include aging
adults' programs and inter-generational offerings," said Rod
Boriack, ELCA associate director for outdoor ministries.  Boriak
pointed to the Census Bureau's report that the number of persons
living in the United States who are 50 to 59 years old is
projected to increase by 50 percent in the next ten years.  Some
"Celebrate Life!" participants attended pre-conference workshops
on retirement planning, productive aging and emotional-wellness,
the physical realities of aging and disabilities, and inter-
generational education.  The issues of aging were explored
through special performances blending drama, music, audience
interaction and improvisational acting. "Celebrate Life!" was
made possible through Aid Association for Lutherans, a fraternal
benefit organization based in Appleton, Wis.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir.,
(312) 380-2955 or [log in to unmask]; Melissa Ramirez, Assist. Dir.,
(312) 380-2956 or [log in to unmask]