

Title: Lutheran College Received $650,000 Grant

February 11, 1997


Thiel College, Greenville, Pa., has received a $650,000 grant to
complete phase two of the renovation and expansion of the
Howard Miller Center. The four-story, 100,000-square-foot center
houses the college's dining facilities, student services and
Livingston Hall, a women's residence hall.  "The grant will be
used to complete the final construction of the main floor, which
includes an art gallery, bookstore, student health services, the
dean of students office and the career planning and counseling
center.   The second phase of construction will be completed
July 1998," said Dr. John O. McCandless, vice president for
college advancement.  Phase one, completed in the fall of 1996,
included the installation of a food court, cafeteria, restrooms and
handicap accessibility structures.  The grant was provided by
The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Mich.  In announcing the award,
Dr. C. Carlyle Haaland, president of Thiel College, stated, "To
receive a challenge grant from this foundation with its national
stature is an affirmation that will clearly enable Thiel to approach
successfully other foundations and major donors."  Thiel
College is one of 28 colleges and universities associated with
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]