

Title: Lutherans Address Domestic Violence

February 21, 1997


     (CHICAGO) ELCA -- "We need to find ways to overcome
denial" of domestic violence, a woman from Portland, Ore., told
52 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who
gathered in Las Vegas Jan. 31-Feb. 2.  "Stop the Violence: Heal
Hurting Families" is a national training program organized by the
ELCA's Commission for Women.
     "Denial on the part of church leadership is a critical
factor," according to Jean Martensen, director for studies and
leadership in the Commission for Women.  "Participants agreed
that victims of violence are unlikely to confide in pastors who
do not believe abuse occurs in their congregations or
communities," she said.
     A pastor in a local ecumenical meeting insisted there were
no incidences of domestic violence there, a participant said.  A
young woman from his congregation told him that no one would
tell him if someone is suffering from domestic violence, said the
     "The scandal of domestic violence should be addressed in
sermons, Bible studies, prayers and educational activities, and
resources are needed to serve as an invitation for persons
suffering from abuse to seek help," said another participant.
     The Rev. Harvard and Linda Stephens, Truth Evangelical
Lutheran Church, Lanham, Md., view ministry to those suffering
from violence as an important form of outreach.  They emphasize
that those fortunate to have been raised in homes free from
violence have much to offer.  "Wholeness can be the basis of
important service and advocacy," said Linda Stephens.  "People
do not have to have the same experience of suffering in order to
care for one another."
     The Rev. Mark J. Nelson, Spokane, Wash., cited other
examples of the need for churches to make critical links to the
medical, judicial, and social service systems.  "An emergency
room doctor who sees the victims of abuse day after day was
pleased to have a congregation become a partner in the efforts
to heal the traumatic effects of domestic violence," he said.
Nelson is assistant to the bishop for the ELCA's Eastern
Washington-Idaho Synod.
     "By listening to personal testimonies of abuse, panel
discussions and speakers, participants learned that abuse can
be mental, emotional, social and spiritual, as well as physical,"
said Martensen.
     Participants examined a new domestic violence resource
titled, "Women Healing and Empowering."   The resouce is an
eight-week Bible-focused support group program that can serve
as a tool for community outreach and a healing ministry for
women in their congregation, said Martensen.   "The book helps
congregations organize and host support groups for women
dealing with past or present abuse," she said.  It is available
through Augsburg Fortress Publishers, publishing house of the
     "A panel of five youth told of the dangers found in stairwells of
their own apartment complexes, neighborhood gangs, and their
safety after leaving schools guarded by security police," said
Martensen.  The panelists underscored the importance of adult
intervention, she said.
      "All it takes is one individual who really cares to make a
difference," said a youth panelist.  She urged ELCA members to
"be that teacher or neighbor.  Be that member of a congregation."
     "Stop the Violence: Heal Hurting Families" was funded
through Aid Association for Lutherans, a fraternal benefit
organization based in Appleton, Wis.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]