

Title: Lutherans Win RPRC Awards

April 21, 1997


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and related individuals won
29 DeRose-Hinkhouse awards at the annual convention of the Religious
Public Relations Council (RPRC).  The convention was held April 3-5 in
Boston.  The memorial award recognizes communication efforts of the
500 RPRC members in the United States and Canada in print, audiovisual
and video media, photography, public relations and special projects.
Those receiving "Awards of Excellence" include: "Specific Mission
Support Catalog 1996-1997" - ELCA Division for Congregational
Ministries; "Proclaim God's Peace Triennial Convention Highlights"
video - Women of the ELCA; "From Gutenberg to Gates" magazine article
series for Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. - Fred Gonnerman; "Across
the Board" newsletter - ELCA Board of Pensions; "Turtle Tales: World
Turtle in Peru" videotape - Lutheran World Relief.  Those receiving
"Awards of Merit" include: "Seeds for the Parish" newsletter - ELCA
Department for Communication; "MOSAIC" video magazine - ELCA
Department for Communication; "Luther Seminary Annual Report,
1995-1996" - Fred Gonnerman; "Divorce...Can I Love Again?" Lutheran
Vespers radio program - ELCA Department for Communication;  "Is There
Room For Me in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America?" - ELCA
Department for Communication, Commission for Multicultural
Ministries and the Division for Ministry.  RPRC promotes high
standards for religious public relations and communications and
provides training and continuing education.  Founded in 1929, it
is the nation's oldest public relations association.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]