

Title: Senate Commends ELCA Lutheran

April 21, 1997


Kay S. Dowhower resigned March 15 as director of the Lutheran
Office for Governmental Affairs in Washington, D.C., the federal
public policy advocacy office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America.  On March 11 the U.S. Senate entered a "Commendation
Upon the Retirement of Kay Dowhower" into the Congressional
Record at the request of Senator Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.), a
member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bismarck, N.D.  Dowhower
"has worked tirelessly for social justice in the formulation of
public policy.  She has been a committed spokesperson for the
poor and the powerless in this Nation and abroad.  Her competent
work has provided her church, her colleagues, and those in
government with encouragement and a model of excellence,"
according to the commendation.  "Kay Dowhower, you will be
missed.  We have been the better because of your unwavering
efforts to challenge us to do what is just for the least of these
in our Nation and in the world."  Dowhower continues part-time as
director for advocacy with the ELCA Division for Church in
Society which includes coordinating the work of the church's
public policy advocacy offices in 18 state capitals.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]