

Title: ELCA Seminary Prsidents Counsel on Ecumenism

April 21, 1997


Without endorsing any of the ecumenical proposals now before the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the presidents of the
ELCA's eight seminaries have offered the church their counsel.
They recommended that Lutherans give the details of each proposal
careful attention, honor the convictions of the Lutheran
confessions and value respectful disagreement.  The ELCA
Churchwide Assembly will vote on three proposals when it meets
Aug. 14-20 in Philadelphia.  The proposals are that the ELCA
enter into full communion with the Episcopal Church, enter into
full communion with three Reformed churches -- the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.), Reformed Church in America and United Church of
Christ -- and declare certain 16th century condemnations of the
Roman Catholic Church no longer apply.  "We seek the fullest
levels of fellowship possible with the Reformed, Episcopal and
Roman Catholic communions.  A number of our schools have close
working relationships with seminaries of those traditions," said
the presidents.  "These decisions will have important
consequences for us."  The faculty of the Lutheran Theological
Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., unanimously endorsed the two
proposals for full communion in December.  The faculty of the
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia did likewise in
January.  In March the faculty of Lutheran Theological Seminary,
Columbia, S.C. supported the adoption of all three ecumenical


The Rev. Dennis A. Anderson, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio
The Rev. Darold H. Beekmann, Lutheran Theo. Seminary at Gettysburg,Pa.
The Rev. Roger W. Fjeld, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa
The Rev. Robert G. Hughes, Lutheran Theo. Seminary at Philadelphia
The Rev. William E. Lesher, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
The Rev. Timothy F. Lull, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary,
Berkeley, Calif.
The Rev. H. Frederick Reisz Jr., Lutheran Theological Southern
Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
The Rev. David L. Tiede, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]