

Title: Lutherans Assist With Aid to Albanian Families

April 21, 1997


Action by Churches Together (ACT) will respond to the civil
crisis in Albania with family food parcels and medical supplies
over a three month period.  ACT has issued an appeal for
$320,000.  ACT is a worldwide network of churches, including the
Lutheran World Federation, meeting human need through coordinated
emergency response.  Albania descended into full scale crisis
this month as civil disorder and violence spread throughout the
country.  According to ACT, all citizens of Albania are severely
affected by anarchy brought on by the collapse of corrupt
economic and political systems.  ACT will target those at the
highest risk for its relief assistance.  An estimated 4,000
families will receive food parcels to ensure adequate nutrition.
Each parcel will also contain medical supplies.  At the end of
three months ACT anticipates government support systems will be
functional and the economic crisis will have subsided.  The
turmoil has its origins in the collapse of a number of "pyramid"
investment schemes.  According to ACT, experts estimate that as
many as 80 percent of Albanians invested their life's savings and
property in get-rich-quick investment companies, hoping for some
financial security.  The collapse of these companies has put
Albanian families in desperate economic straits, ACT said.
Demonstrations led to state of anarchy in many areas, with
massive violence and destruction.  Most government buildings,
universities, hospitals, clinics and social institutions
throughout Albania have been damaged or destroyed, ACT said.
Almost all hospitals and clinics were looted.  Government
distribution systems are not functioning and stockpiles are
depleted or non-existent.  The failing economy suffers further
from the destruction of factories and businesses.   ACT reports
that the Albanian Orthodox Church is providing critically needed
food assistance in widespread areas of Albania.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]