

Title: Lutherans Continue Assistance with Upper Midwest Flood Work

July 18, 1997


"I'm so tired" is a phrase the Rev. Gilbert B. Furst hears these days from pastors, Lutheran
Social Service workers and members of clean-up crews working in the flood-stricken areas
of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.  Furst is associate director for the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Domestic Disaster Response. "But, we Christian
people do not tire in responding, in making our confessions of faith become expressions of
faith and in living out the Gospel of hope," Furst said. "The cleanup is ending much sooner
than anyone thought, after more hard work than anyone could have imagined," said the
Rev. Leon A. Phillips Jr., executive director for Lutheran Disaster Response, a cooperative
ministry of the ELCA and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  "Walls have been torn
down, ceiling tiles ripped off and discarded, and water-soaked furniture dragged out to the
curb," said Phillips.  "In all of that work this summer, it touched me deeply to see how
committed Lutheran Disaster Response is to remembering the children," said Phillips.
LDR began a series of summer day camps called "Camp Noah" held in sites throughout
the flooded areas.  "Then there was the toy distribution.  It all began with an eight-year-old
boy in Michigan who told his parents and school friends that 'those children must need
new toys,'" said Phillips.  Flood relief needs "come down to these three: volunteers to
rebuild homes, building materials and money," Phillips said.  "The work goes on, and the
play goes on for the children, thank God," he said.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]