

Title: Lutherans Respond to Local and Worldwide Disasters

August 17, 1997


     PHILADELPHIA (ELCA) -- "The Lutherans are coming!" has been the
joyous exclamation of many who have received assistance this year from the
Lutheran Domestic Disaster Response.  LDDR is a cooperative ministry of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod.   The Red River Valley flood struck home for many Lutherans in
Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota and for many other Lutherans
living elsewhere.
     Voting members of the ELCA's Churchwide Assembly here heard reports
on disaster response at hearings Aug. 15.
     Response to domestic disasters is only part of the work of the ELCA's
World  Hunger Appeal.   Last year international disasters in Africa, the
Middle East, North Korea, and other parts of the world received ELCA
disaster relief.  These efforts continue into 1997.  To help those starving
in North Korea, $50,000 of food shipments, including 500 metric tons of
barley seed, were shipped to arrive in time for spring planting.
     World Hunger offerings from congregations totaled nearly $12,000,000
in 1996.  Hunger relief and development from around the world received
72.4%; hunger relief and development in the U.S. received 12.1%; and hunger
education and advocacy for justice for the poor received 9.6%.  Only 5.9%
of receipts are used for administration and fund raising, which is the
lowest amount of any relief agency.
     Growing out of the ashes of World War II, the ELCA World Hunger
Program is now 23 years old, along with partner relief agencies, Lutheran
World Relief, Church World Service and Lutheran World Federation, said the
Rev. Roger O. Livdahl, director of the appeal.
     The words of Jesus Christ, "And who is my neighbor?" will continue to
be an appropriate theme in the months ahead as Lutherans respond to hunger
and disaster needs both locally and throughout the world.
     Philadelphia is hosting a gathering of over 1,000 members of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for its fifth Churchwide Assembly
Aug. 14-20 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.  Representatives from all
50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are represented.

For information contact:

Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]