

Title: Lutheran Youth and Young Adults Respond to New Initiatives for the

August 18, 1997


     PHILADELPHIA (ELCA) -- "The church had better be ready to listen to
us, because we have something to say!" exclaimed one participant at the
Youth and Young Adult Convocation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA).
     Sixty Lutheran youth (ages 13-18) and 58 young adults (ages 19-30)
responded to new initiatives for the church relayed by the Rev. H. George
Anderson, presiding bishop of the ELCA.  The youth addressed the
"Initiatives for a New Century" document and described what excited them
about it, what concerned them, and how they saw ELCA youth and young adults
living out the results of the initiatives.  One young speaker said, "We see
ourselves on the bridge between youth and adulthood, and we need adult
church leaders to meet us halfway."
     The high school youth responded to the initiatives with hope and
enthusiasm.  They implored church leaders to move into the future valuing
diverse forms of worship, using computer technology and the internet for
new forms of evangelism, supporting youth in local and global mission
projects and making congregations safe places for youth.
     Young people are willing to take on the responsibility of leading the
church into the future.  They asked adult leaders to renew efforts to
provide youth leadership training.
     The young adult participants began their presentation to the ELCA
Churchwide Assembly by demonstrating their diversity, and also their unity.
"We are single; we are in straight and gay committed relationships; we are
college students; we are not in college; we are in the work force; we are
living at home; we are living away from home; we are diverse; we are one."
     An empassioned young adult speaker related how lonely it is to live
on the bridge between youth and adulthood.   She expressed the need for
older church members to walk out on that bridge and be partners with young
adults to move the church forward into the future.  Another spoke about the
fact that young adults after high school graduation are "underserved by the
     The youth and young adult presentation began and ended with the
soprano voice of Rebecca Lawrence, Chicago, newly elected president of the
Lutheran Youth Organization of the ELCA singing, "I will do a new thing for
you . . . "  She outlined the three key emphases for youth in the ELCA: 1)
provide a place of safety and belonging; 2) provide a place of experience
and exploration; and 3) help youth and young adults reach for and meet
their potential.
     At the conclusion of their presentation, the assembly members
affirmed the youth and young adults with a standing ovation.
     The youth and young adults were special guests of the ELCA assembly
without  voice or vote.  The youth held their convocation at the Holiday
Inn Independence Hall August 14-18, concurrently with the national ELCA
Churchwide Assembly at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

For information contact:

Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]