

Title: ELCA Lutherans See the World at Global Mission Events

August 4, 1997


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- About 2,600 members of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America gathered from around the world for two Global Mission =
Events with the theme =22Look to Jesus -- Run the Race.=22  Similar events
took place July 10-13 at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ill., and July 17-20 at
Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, Texas.  About 2,000 participants =
gathered in Wheaton and about 600 in Seguin.
     =22Jesus is the human face of God,=22 said Dr. Elsa T=E1mez, =
president of the Latin American Biblical Seminary, San Jos=E9, Costa Rica.
 =22To look at Jesus is to feel sure and confident about ourselves because
we know God is there; to put our eye on Jesus is to discover the will of =
God for our day.=22  T=E1mez was the keynote speaker at both events.
     =22Instead of running a race to strengthen our body and spirit, we
dehumanize ourselves and others through competition,=22 said T=E1mez.  For
Christians, our race in life is not the one set by American society, she =
said.  =22The race is a struggle=22 not a competition where =22a neighbor =
becomes an obstacle to overcome.  When our eyes are on Jesus, this type of
competition does not exist.=22  Patience and perseverance are more =
important than =22being number one,=22 T=E1mez said.  =22God will give us =
the strength to run the race of life.=22
     The Rev. Bonnie L. Jensen, executive director of the ELCA=27s =
Division for Global Mission, Chicago, spoke at the events=27 opening =
celebrations.  =22We, who are members of the most powerful nation in the =
world, dare not speak of mission as conquest; but mission is walking with =
the outcast, the humble,=22 said Jensen.  Americans can learn from other =
Christians around the world to pray from their hearts, to talk boldly =
about Christ, to be less preoccupied with material things and to dismantle
racism, she said.=20
     Dr. He Qi, art instructor at Nanjing Theological Seminary and Nanjing
University in China, said he was introduced to the =22imported religion=22
of Christianity through art.  He spoke to participants via videotape and a
live telephone conference from China.
     =22I have a dream,=22 he told them, =22to use Christian art to let =
Chinese people know that Christianity is not just a Western religion.  It =
belongs to our Chinese people, too.=22  Dr. He said his dream =22shares a =
message of love and peace.=22
     ELCA missionary staff came from many countries to take part in the =
Global Mission Events, along with international guests from partner =
churches around the world.  Worship included music from Africa, Asia, =
Latin America, North America and Europe.
     =22Jesus was once a refugee.  As a child, he and his parents escaped =
Herod=27s death squads and fled to Africa,=22 said the Rev. Stephen =
Larson, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Geneva, Switzerland, =
during the events=27 Sunday worship service.  =22Look to Jesus and you may
find yourself looking into the face of a Rwandan refugee child.=22
     The events=27 theme served as the focus of a =22Global University=22 =
that offered 130 courses in more than 400 seminars and another 100 =
sessions of videotapes or conversation.  Topics ranged from the current =
peace process in Liberia to HIV/AIDS, from promoting gender equity to =
Christian outreach in Chinese Hong Kong.  A special =22track=22 of courses
offered in Seguin concentrated on Latino ministry while courses in Wheaton
gave insight into Islam.  Youth participated in global programs designed =
for junior high and senior high school ages at each event.
     An offering given at the opening worship service in Seguin -- =
=242,400 -- was divided among the Oaks Indian Center, Oaks, Oklahoma; the =
=22Z=22 Place, Zion Lutheran Church, San Antonio, Texas; and the ELCA=27s =
Corridor Ministry on the border between the United States and Mexico.  The
offering from the opening worship service in Wheaton -- =246,300 -- was =
divided between Lutheran Family Mission of Chicago and the Southwest Asian
Outreach ministry of Central Lutheran Church, Des Moines, Iowa.  A second =
offering at each event was given to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal.

For information contact:=20
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS=40ELCA.ORG