

Title: C. Carlyle Haaland tp Retire from ELCA's Thiel College

September 12, 1997


C. Carlyle Haaland announced plans to retire in June 1998 as president of Thiel College, Greenville,
Pa, a position he has held since 1990.  Thiel is one of 28 colleges and universities the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America.  "It has been a privilege to serve this Lutheran institution with its focus
on giving personal attention to students in a values-oriented environment," said Haaland.  "I have
always believed in putting students first in the process of educating them for life in society," he
said.  "Dr. Haaland's leadership of Thiel College over the past seven years has resulted in dramatic
growth in admissions and endowment, a successful capital campaign and  redesigning of curriculm,
including institution-wide global emphasis," said James McHugh, chairperson of Thiel's Board of
Trustees.  Haaland recognizes that a great deal of work must be accomplished during the 1997-98
academic year:  "Over the next year I look forward to focusing my efforts on concluding the 'Thiel
2000: Sharing the Mission campaign,' further development of the enrollment management program
and campus community building in an all-out effort to make Thiel an outstanding institution for
students and faculty," said Haaland.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]