

Title: Inter-Lutheran Aids Network Organizes

November 20, 1997


     SEACAUCUS, N.J. (ELCA) -- An inter-Lutheran
network of individuals and agencies involved in
ministries supporting people affected by the HIV
virus and AIDS was officially organized here Nov.
6, eight years after an informal group of
Lutherans began meeting around the subject of
spiritual and medical care for AIDS patients.
     About 90 people attended the three-day
conference Nov. 4-6, sponsored by the Lutheran
Aids Network (LANET), an organization made up of
members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
     Dr. Kristine Gebbie, New York, who has been
the first National AIDS Policy coordinator, was
elected president of the new nine-member LANET
board. Gebbie is a member of an ELCA congregation.
      LANET's new by-laws declare that it intends
to promote HIV/AIDS education among Lutherans and
provide "clear and comprehensive information
regarding prevention" of AIDS.
     The group says it will also advocate for the
physicial, emotional and spiritual health and for
the human rights of people touched by the effects
of the virus, and provide spiritual support for
persons affected.
     LANET will also be the "visible presence of
the Lutheran traditions" in HIV/AIDS interfaith
dialogue and gatherings.
     At the conference here, meeting around the
theme "Hope, Help and Healing: A Lutheran
Challenge," The Rev. H. George Anderson, presiding
bishop of the ELCA, preached at the opening
worship service.  The Rev. Martin E. Marty, a
Lutheran theologian at the University of Chicago,
spoke of the theological framework for health
     Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro of Kenya, head of the
Lutheran World Federation's office for women,
spoke of the rapid growth of AIDS on the African
     Former Illinois Senator Paul Simon was
honored by LANET for his public work in health
care and concerns for those affected by the
HIV/AIDS virus.
     The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson, St. John's
Lutheran Church, Summit, N.J., was elected vice
president; and the Rev. Janet B. Grill, St. Andrew
Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, was elected

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or
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