

Title: ELCA Ecumenical Education Team Named

January 22, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- A committee responsible for education regarding
Lutheran-Episcopal relations has been appointed in the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America.  The group met Jan. 13-14.
     The ELCA's 1997 Churchwide Assembly mandated "education
opportunities" in the church, stating that the ELCA recognizes the need to
understand its own doctrine, creeds and polity as well as those of The
Episcopal Church.  The committee discussed development of two videotapes,
one for ELCA synod assemblies this spring, the other for use in
congregations.  It also talked about the possibility of a CD-ROM containing
documents for research purposes.
     The Rev. Darlis J. Swan of the ELCA's Department for Ecumenical
Affairs reported that committee members were appointed in consultation with
the Rev. H. George Anderson, ELCA presiding bishop.
     They are the Rev. Steven L. Ullestad (chairperson), bishop of the
Northeastern Iowa Synod, Cedar Falls, Iowa; the Rev. Stephen P. Bouman,
bishop of the Metropolitan New York Synod; the Rev. Clarence D. Harms, Zion
Lutheran Church, Wausau, Wis.; Dr. Lynne Lorenzen, Augsburg College,
Minneapolis; the Rev. Frederick H. Reisz, president of Lutheran Theological
Southern Seminary, Columbia, S.C.; Charles F. Ruthroff, assistant to the
bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod, Oakland, Calif.; and the Rev. Nelson T.
Strobert, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa.
     Swan said, "The task of this committee is to provide opportunities
for members of the faculties of ELCA colleges and seminaries, the
Conference of Bishops, clergy and laity to communicate the history,
theology and ecclesiology of both The Episcopal Church and the ELCA."
     Harms said, "I think a video resource can be effective in
congregations.  The committee's intent is to deal in a positive way with
the most challenging issues.  We hope education will take place through
different means of communication."
     The assembly action was part of an effort to rededicate the ELCA to
seeking "full communion" with The Episcopal Church following a vote that
narrowly defeated establishing the relationship.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]