

Title: Leadership Teams Formed to Guide ELCA's Initiatives

January 29, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Leadership teams are now in place to provide
"overall guidance" for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's
"Initiatives to Prepare for a New Century."  The Initiatives adopted by the
1997 ELCA Churchwide Assembly identified seven key areas as "launching
pads" for ministry into the 21st century.
     The leadership teams and their chairperson will meet before mid-March
to begin work on each initiative.  They are:  "Deepen Worship Life," the
Rev. Paul R. Nelson, ELCA director for worship; "Teach the Faith," the Rev.
M. Wyvetta Bullock, executive director, ELCA's Division for Congregational
Ministries; "Witness to God's Action in the World: Evangelism," the Rev.
Ronald B. Warren, bishop of the ELCA's Southeastern Synod, Atlanta;
"Witness to God's Action in the World: Moral Deliberation and Public
Witness," the Rev. Charles S. Miller, executive director, ELCA's Division
for Church in Society; "Strengthen One Another in Mission: Asset Mapping,"
Christine Grumm, executive director, Chicago Foundation for Women;
"Strengthen One Another in Mission: Electronic Networking," Glenndy L.
Sculley, associate director, ELCA's Department for Synodical Relations;
"Help the Children," Joanne Negstad, executive director, Lutheran Services
in America, St. Paul, Minn.; "Connect with Youth and Young Adults," Desiree
Quintana, Concord, Calif.; "Develop Leaders for the Next Century," the Rev.
Steven L. Ullestad, bishop for the ELCA's Northeastern Iowa Synod, Waverly,
     The Rev. Kurt A. Reichardt, associate director for the ELCA's
internal church communication, will coordinate the team that will
communicate and interpret the Initiatives.
     The charge to team leaders is "to encourage and support activities
throughout the church related to the Initiatives, to implement key
activities affirmed by the Churchwide Assembly,  and let people at the
grass roots know it's happening," said Lita Brusick Johnson, executive
assistant to the bishop of the ELCA.
     The ELCA's Church Council has allotted $100,000 for each Initiative
to cover start-up costs and begin work.  "Each group will decide how best
to spend the money to get the job done.  Groups will be different and their
outcomes will vary," Johnson said.  "We really want the best of both
worlds: creativity and effectiveness."
     The Rev. Michael L. Cooper-White, executive assistant to the bishop
of the ELCA, noted that "while there is no time line attached to the
Initiatives, we'll attempt to carry out major projects between 1998 and
2001, with a thorough update provided to the 1999 Churchwide Assembly.  We
hope that team leaders will continue in their leadership posts at least
through the next Churchwide Assembly."

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]