

Title: ELCA Youth Pursue Ministry with Homosexual and Bisexual Youth

March 11, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The youth of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) will "pursue a dynamic, interactive, open and welcoming
ministry" with gay, lesbian and bisexual young people, but will "exclude
the possibility of a gathering" for homosexual and bisexual youth to
precede the triennial ELCA Youth Gathering in the year 2000.  The board for
the Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) met here March 5-8.
     At its 1997 convention, members of the LYO passed a resolution to ask
the church to "investigate the feasibility" of an event for gay, lesbian
and bisexual youth.  Two other events that usually precede the gathering
are the Definitely Abled Youth Leadership Event (DAYLE) and the
Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE).
     "We've found that planning this gathering is not feasible because we
could not
determine how to create a safe environment for gay, lesbian and bisexual
young people who decide to attend.  Because of this we felt that planning a
gathering like this may not be the best way to do ministry," said Meredith
Lovell, board member from Ellicott City, Md.  Lovell is a member of the
task force organized to address the resolution.
     "The specific suggestion for a gathering is not feasible but there
are other things to do," said Jay McDivitt, board member from Loveland,
Colo.  "The intent of the resolution was to kick-start the youth
organization into doing ministry with gay, lesbian and bisexual young
people," he said.
     "The youth organization is not going to shut up about doing this
ministry," McDivitt said.  "We will continue to organize and re-envision
how we can pursue this ministry," he said.
     At its meeting last fall the board acted to designate 1998 as "A Year
of Prayer" for homosexual and bisexual youth.
     April 29, 1998 will be a day when about 500,000 members of LYO and
others in the ELCA will be invited to pray and fast for the "personal and
faith issues facing gay, lesbian and bisexual youth."  Communication on the
Internet and a "time for engagement with pastors, theologians and families"
are planned for that day.
     In 1995 the ELCA's Churchwide Assembly affirmed "that gay and lesbian
people, individuals created by God, are welcome to participate fully in the
life of congregations."
     "We have much to learn and we are working toward a partnership with
the leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  We can learn
from each other and struggle with issues together," said Lovell.
     LYO President Rebecca D. Lawrence, Chicago, said, "It is the youth
organization's responsibility to address and meet the needs of the youth
sitting in the church pew.  The board of the youth organization should not
be in the limelight, but should work along with the ELCA and its young
     "A highlight of the board meeting was to engage in an envisioning-the-future process for the
Lutheran Youth Organization," said Lawrence.
"Directions the board will take for the future include prayer, work on
social issues both as a calling and as an evangelism approach, and
fellowship at all levels to show that the  church is cool,'" said Lawrence.
     "The board felt that it is important for young people to feel the
presence of God in their lives and that God can be the center of their
     Lawrence said the LYO board members "should lead by example.  In
order for us to make other youth feel that Christ is present in their
lives, we must show that Christ is present in our lives first and foremost.
From then on, others will see that Christ is present.  We can tell others
about Jesus Christ and his teachings as well."
     "Teenagers are leaving the church and we want to know why," said
Lovell.  "The youth organization wants to find ways of helping
congregations invite young people into the life of the church once again.
Envisioning the future will help make the work of the LYO board more
relevant to the youth sitting in the pew," she said.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]