

Title: ELCA Staff Will Study Gay and Straight Working Together

April 9, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- "Gay, Lesbian and Straight People: Working
Together" will be the theme at the churchwide offices of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America during five days in June.  The staff will focus
on reflecting diversity in an inclusive workplace.
     The effort is organized by the ELCA's Inter-unit Staff Team on
Diversity.   Evelyn B. Soto, co-coordinator, said the goals are to
celebrate the gifts of gay and lesbian people in the church and to educate
the staff on the history of lesbian and gay people.
     Another goal is "to demonstrate that the churchwide office is a
welcoming and safe place in the spirit of the resolution passed at the 1995
Churchwide Assembly."  That action affirms "that gay and lesbian people, as
individuals created by God, are welcome to participate fully in the life of
the congregations" of the ELCA.
     The week will include worship and lunchtime speakers, book
discussions and video presentations. Topics will include defining terms of
gender identity, ministry with gay and lesbian people, biblical and
theological implications, issues for the families and friends of gay and
lesbian people, and welcoming gay and lesbian people in congregational
life, Soto said.
      "We are part of a church that is working on being welcoming," said
the Rev. Robert N. Bacher, executive for administration.  "Our church is
engaged in conversation and dialogue. These activities are a part of our
commitment to continuing to discuss issues related to human sexuality,
including homosexuality," he said.
     The Rev. H. George Anderson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, told the
March 6 meeting of the Conference of Bishops, "We are planning some time
together in June under the theme of working together, looking at our
relationships with gay and lesbian co-workers."
     Anderson said the plans reflect a 1997 Churchwide Assembly action
expressing support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and affirming
the church's advocacy "in support of laws barring discrimination against
individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation."

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]