

Title: ELCA Seminaries Plan May 1998 Commencements

May 6, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Six of the eight seminaries of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America are planning commencement ceremonies in May for
1998 degree recipients:

15   Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa.
     Speaker: The Rev. Darold H. Beekmann, LTSG President
     Place: Church of the Abiding Presence (LTSG Chapel)

15   Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
     Speaker: The Rev. Daniel W. Erlander, Trinity Lutheran Church,  Freeland, Wash.
     Place: Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Columbia

17   Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
     Speaker: Bishop Lee M. Miller, ELCA Upstate New York Synod, Syracuse,  N.Y.
     Place: Chestnut Hill Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia

17   Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, Calif.
     Speaker: Dr. Addie Butler, ELCA Vice President, Philadelphia
     Place: Chapel of the Cross (PLTS Chapel)

17   Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa
     Speaker: None
     Place: St. Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church, Dubuque, Iowa

19   Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest, Austin, Texas
     Speaker: The Rev. Dr. William C. Spong, professor of pastoral
     theology, Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, Austin
     Place: Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Austin

     LSPS is an extension of Wartburg Theological Seminary and the
     Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and is located on the campus
     of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (ETSS).
     Commencement activities are conducted jointly with ETSS.

24   Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.
     Speaker: The Rev. Merton P. Strommen, founder of Search Institute,  Minneapolis
     Place: Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis

     Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio, and the Lutheran School of
     Theology at Chicago are planning commencement ceremonies in June.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]