

To: [log in to unmask]

1556 (of 1558) LEON PHILLIPS June 12, 1998 at 23:11 Eastern (1718

Dear Colleagues:

On June 30 I will retire as director of ELCA Domestic Disaster Response and
Lutheran Disaster Response.  Dr. Gilbert Furst will assume these duties on
July 1.

It has been a privilege to work with so many of you in disaster
response ministry over the past decade.  Since its beginning in 1988, this
ministry of our church has responded to 144 disasters ( although it may
well be more by the time you read this note !). There has been great
suffering by many people in these tragedies, and many lives have been
scarred. But the support, care and generosity of inidividuals and
congregations throughout the church has sent a consistent and powerful
message of hope. Again and again I have heard people say, in looking back
on their suffering, that the care and support of their Christian sisters
and brothers gave them strength to be not victims, but survivors.

I thank you for your concern for disaster response, for your commitment
to reaching out to those who suffer, and for your support and affirmation
over all these years. I know your prayers and support will be there for Gil
as they were for me.

Laurie Christman, who has served as administrative assistant since the
beginning of Lutheran Disaster Response, and who has worked with me for
more than fourteen years, will also be leaving her position as disaster
response assistant.  I know you join me in thanking her for the competence
and professionalism she brought to this position, and for the
behind-the-scenes work that made the church's disaster response possible.

May God continue to bless the church with people like you who reach out in
compassion to those in need.

In Christ,

Leon Phillips
Allentown, Pennsylvania
June 12,1998