

Title: Income of ELCA Congregations Exceeded $2 Billion in 1997

August 4, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Income for the10,889 congregations of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in 1997 was $2,006,953,384,
up $133,397,469 or 7.12 percent from 1996, reported the Rev. Lowell G.
Almen, ELCA secretary.
     Of total congregational receipts, $1,384,266,794 was received in
regular, unrestricted offerings -- up 3.88 percent.  For 1996 the increase
in regular giving by members over the year before was 2.68 percent.
     "Words of thanks and voices of gratitude can be heard throughout the
congregations," Almen said.  "Increased support for the strategic work that
we share through synodical and churchwide ministries touches the lives of
many with the Gospel."
     The average regular giving per confirmed member increased from
$401.39 in 1996 to $423.23 -- up 5.44 percent or $21.84 per confirmed
     Total disbursements by ELCA congregations for local operating
expenses was $1,289,625,392.  That amounted to an increase of $50 million
or 4.06 percent over 1996.
     Regular "mission support" -- that is, monies passed from
congregations to the 65 synods and to the churchwide organization to
support the national and international ministries of this church --
increased four times what it had from 1995 to 1996. Total "mission support"
funding for 1997 was $123,573,865, up $2,646,555 from $120,927,310 in 1996,
for an increase of 2.18 percent.
     What is known as "Specific Mission Support" -- formerly called
Designated Gifts -- increased by 3.59 percent or by $176,960 to $5,097,339
in 1997.
     Contributions reported by congregations to the World Hunger Appeal
and Lutheran Disaster Response jumped 23.37 percent or $2,288,649 from
$9,792,901 in 1996 to $12,081,550.  Funds for 1997 Red River Valley flood
relief in the Dakotas and western Minnesota were seen as a significant
factor in this increase, Almen reported.
     Funding for missionary sponsorship grew by 8.58 percent to $4,971,079
in 1997.  At the same time, Mission Partner giving increased 11.83 percent
last year to $3,685,468.  Through the ELCA Mission Partners program,
established congregations give financial gifts, loans or gifts of equipment
and supplies to new ministries, or they can share time and skills through
volunteer projects.  Gifts go directly to the new ministry without
administrative costs.
     "Special Benevolences" related to the ELCA's 65 synods increased
14.27 percent from $14,696,720 in 1996 to $16,795,037 in 1997.
     Money for community benevolent causes was up 2.36 percent or $544,603
to $23,610,146 in 1997.
     Congregations reported a 12.49 percent increase in other expenses, up
$8,456,493 to $76,110,950.
     More than 63 percent (63.58%) of ELCA congregations reported that
they had no debt in 1997.
     Congregations reported $1,230,771,759 in savings and investments,
endowments and memorial funds for 1997 -- up $150,845,301 from the previous

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director 1-773-380-2958 or [log in to unmask]