

Title: Lutheran 'Candlelighting for Mental Illness' on Oct. 4

September 16, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Lutheran Network for Mental Illness/Brain
Disorders (LNMI) will observe the beginning of Mental Illness Awareness
Week with candles and prayers on Oct. 4.  "Candlelighting for Mental
Illness" is the third annual campaign inviting congregations of all
Lutheran church bodies "to light a candle and say a prayer for those
persons with mental illness and their families" during regular worship
     The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and The Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod formed the network in 1993.  LNMI has recruited and
trained contact people across the churches and sends newsletters to more
than 750 addresses.  It has produced a videotape, "A Challenge and
Opportunity for God's People," and worship resources for the "All-Lutheran
     A special liturgy for Oct. 4 asks Lutheran pastors to pray "for
justice and mercy, for healing of body and mind, that one day the darkness
of mental illness may be overcome."
     "LNMI encourages congregations to be hospitable and inviting to
persons with mental illness and their family members and to educate clergy
and church members about the neurobiological nature and chronicity of
mental illness -- schizophrenia, depression, and bi-polar disorder," said
Laura Lundsgaard, ELCA coordinator for social justice education.
     "We look for welcoming arms from the church," she said.  "Stigma and
lack of knowledge about mental illness are isolating for family members and
persons with mental  illness."
     Marge Christensen, Bismarck, N.D., chairs the LNMI steering
committee.  Jane Carlson, Westlake, Ohio, is the secretary and newsletter
editor.  Jim Gerhard, San Antonio, Texas, is the chairperson-elect.  Other
steering committee members are Dr. Stewart Govig, Tacoma, Wash.; the Rev.
Mark Hill, Utica, Mich; the Rev. Thomas Oie, Redford, Mich.; and Laura
Rorem, Juneau, Alaska.
     The ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 1997 asked for a study of the
church's ministries with people with disabilities.  Lundsgaard is
conducting a "comprehensive study of ministry with and among persons with
disabilities" for the ELCA's Division for Church in Society.  The report is
expected to be completed this fall.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director 1-773-380-2958 or [log in to unmask]