

Title: Harvard Divinity Dean Stepping Down

November 23, 1998

98-41-235-Harvard University Gazette

     CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (ELCA) -- The Rev. Ronald F. Thiemann, dean of the
Divinity School at Harvard University here since 1986, announced Nov. 13
that he will step down from the deanship and return to teaching and
research.  Thiemann is a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
     "For nearly 13 years I have had the privilege of leading one of the
most outstanding schools of theological education in the world, and I am
grateful for the support of all those who have assisted in making this
such a productive time for the School," Thiemann said in his letter to the
divinity school community.  "I believe we have built a legacy of
accomplishment that equips the school for continued strength in the years
ahead.  I care deeply about this school and the people in it, and I will
continue to work for its welfare in any way I can."
     "Ron Thiemann has led the divinity school through an important time
of change, both within the School and in the larger world of religious
thought and religious institutions," said Harvard President Neil L.
Rudenstine.  "During his years of service as dean, the faculty has grown
in stature and academic scope, excellent students have applied and
enrolled in increasing numbers, and the high caliber of the school's
programs has been sustained and enhanced.  The school is now well
positioned to carry forward as a leader in theological education and
scholarship, and to build on the significant accomplishments of recent
     In his letter to the community, Thiemann said that, following a
sabbatical leave in 1999, he will return to the divinity school faculty to
resume his teaching and research.  Rudenstine is expected to appoint an
acting dean, who will take up the duties of the deanship as soon as is
practicable.  Thiemann said he would work to ensure the smoothest possible
     Rudenstine said that he intends promptly to launch a full search for
a new dean of the faculty, soliciting advice broadly from the divinity
school community and beyond.
     Thiemann came to Harvard in July 1986, having served as professor
and chairman of the Religion Department at Haverford College, and as
Haverford's acting president in the spring of 1986.  A native of St.
Louis, he holds a bachelor's degree from Concordia Senior College, an
M.Div. from Concordia Seminary, and M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees from
Yale.  His scholarly works include such books as "Revelation and Theology"
(1985), "Constructing a Public Theology" (1991), and "Religion in Public
Life" (1996).

     Reprinted with permission from the Harvard University Gazette,
     November 19, 1998.

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