

Title: American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples Discuss Concerns

December 10, 1998

American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples Discuss Concerns

     HOUSTON (ELCA) -- "'Preparing the Way' was an event that brought
together 62 American Indian and Alaska Native Lutherans from all over
across the United States," said Marilyn Sorensen-Bush, director for Native
American Ministries in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Commission for Multicultural Ministries.
     "Preparing the Way" was the theme that brought the group together for
worship, Bible study, workshops, story telling  and plenary sessions.
     "This gathering of American Indian and Alaska Native people was the
largest gathering of its kind since 1986.  Story telling and sharing were
important in building a community and visioning for the future," said
     The group discussed revising its constitution and making changes to
its bylaws. "'Preparing the Way,' will help us accomplish or begin many of
these conversations in earnest, with representation from throughout Indian
Country.  It will ground us theologically and give us an opportunity for
visiting and celebration of our survival for the past ten years" wrote
Ramona Soto Rank, president of the Native American Lutheran Association, in
her report to the gathering.
     NALA represents both American Indian and Alaska Native peoples; a
resolution is being sent to CMM's Spring steering committee to change the
association's name to reflect both groups.  The resolutions calls for a
change of the association's name to the American Indian/Alaska Native
Lutheran Association.
     Plenary sessions addressed issues including synodical support for
congregations on reservations, the need for increased financial support
from the ELCA's Commission for Multicultural Ministries (CMM), the name
change for the association, and how the association can be instrumental in
meeting the needs of its young people.
     A committee was named to revise the association's constitution.
Kathleen Fleury, Browning, Mont., advisory council member and consultant to
the Blackfeet Legal Department; Doug Miller, Gresham, Wis., council chair
for Lutheran Church of the Wilderness; and Wendi Helgemo, Wahton, Minn.,
CMM Steering Committee member.
     Workshop topics:
                "Leadership and Candidacy," gave an overall view of leadership
               opportunities available to American Indian and Alaska Native
               people interested in serving with the ELCA as ordained or lay
               persons.   The Rev. Gregory Villalon, director for
               Leadership Development in the ELCA's Division for Ministry, led
               the workshop.

               "Keeping the Circle Strong Through Faith," led by Darla Theiel,
               Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe, focused on helping young people
               a strong Christian faith in today's society.  Theile taught
               drug and alcohol prevention.  She is a Sunday school teacher
               member of Dacotah Oyate Lutheran Church, Tokio, N.D.

               "Advocacy Made Simple" was led by Sharon Metz.  The purpose of
               this workshop was to make people who usually say "I can't make
               difference," change their attitudes and say "I didn't know how
               simple it is to take action."

     Participants donated household items, toiletries, clothing, quilts,
non-prescription medications, toys and $200 to a "giveaway benefit" to the
Oaks Indian Center, Oaks, Okla.  Oaks Indian Center is a home for Indian
children.  The center provides children in need with emotional support,
spiritual care and educational opportunities in a community setting.
     "Preparing the Way" was funded in part by a grant from Aid
Association for Lutherans, a benefits society based in Appleton, Wis.

For information contact:
Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Director 1-773-380-2955 or [log in to unmask]