

Title: Lutherans Respond To 'Millions For Mitch' Campaign

December 18, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Through the World Hunger and Disaster Appeal of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), $450,000 in cash has been
contributed to "Millions for Mitch" -- a campaign that involves millions =
Lutherans contributing millions of dollars for recovery efforts in Central
America following the devastation of Hurricane Mitch. =20
     "The outpouring of love and support for survivors of Hurricane Mitch
has been overwhelming," said Lita Brusick Johnson, director for the ELCA
World Hunger Appeal.  "Our ELCA members and congregations heard the media
reports about the tremendous human suffering caused by Hurricane Mitch, =
they acted swiftly and generously."
     The ELCA sent an initial $30,000 to help as soon as communication was
restored to the region.  During the first weeks of the crisis another
$800,000 in quilts, clothing and material aid were dispatched through
Lutheran World Relief, the overseas relief and development agency of the
ELCA and The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
     Hurricane Mitch killed more than 10,000 people Oct. 29-31.  The
Category 5 hurricane was the strongest storm in the Atlantic Ocean since
Hurricane Gilbert in 1988.  Damages were catastrophic, with ships lost in
the Caribbean Sea and deaths caused by flooding and mud slides in El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua.  Millions are
homeless, and hundreds of thousands are isolated.
     "We are confident that Lutherans will continue to be in it for the
long haul," Johnson said.  "The devastation wrought by Mitch is almost
beyond comprehension; recovery will take years."
     "Right now we are walking with our sister churches and partner
agencies in Central America, as they meet immediate needs in this
emergency.  We have pledged to walk with them in the longer-term
rehabilitation phase of recovery," Johnson added.  "We urge our ELCA
members to keep the survivors of Hurricane Mitch in their prayers this
Christmas season, and to consider 'extra-mile' gifts to help survivors
achieve long-term recovery from what has been called a disaster of
'biblical proportions.'"
     Gifts marked "Millions for Mitch" or "Hurricane Mitch" are used for
church-related relief and recovery efforts already under way -- primarily
in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
     More than $22,000 of the money Lutherans have donated to Hurricane
Mitch relief was delivered through credit card contributions.  Donations
made by credit card for ELCA International Disaster Response became a
possibility in 1998.

*Editors*  When listing organizations receiving funds for aid
to survivors of major disasters *outside* the United States,
Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, please include:

            Lutheran World Relief=20
           Church Street Station=20
               P.O. Box 6186=20
          New York, NY 10277-1738=20
For information contact:
Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Director (773) 380-2955 or [log in to unmask]