February 24, 2005
For the purpose of clarification, in the ELCA News release dated February
22, 2005, and titled "ELCA Task Force Turns Its Attention To Statement On
Sexuality," please replace the paragraph that begins "The task force
devoted some time at its meeting to 'debrief' about their experiences …"
with the following paragraph:
The task force devoted some time at its meeting to "debrief" about their
experiences since the report and recommendations became public. "Even if
people do not agree with the recommendations, they have expressed
gratitude for the work of the task force," Payne said.
We hope this hasn't caused any inconvenience. Thank you.
John R. Brooks
Director, ELCA News Service
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]