August 21, 1996
As the United States gears up for local, state and national
elections, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is
offering its 5.2 million members some assistance. Many of the
church's 11,000 congregations are using the brochure, "Christian
Faith and U.S. Political Life Today," as a study document in
adult forums, said the Rev. Faye R. Codding, grass roots
coordinator, Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs,
Washington, D.C. Some ELCA congregations "are inviting
candidates to their forums to discuss some of the important
points from the document," she said. "Some congregations are
having their youth groups sponsor a candidate night.
Congregations are excited about the brochure's clear and
insightful discussion on the role of the Christian and politics,"
said Codding. The eight-page brochure can help Lutherans
identify "Christian political positions," she said, and "evaluate
policies of the government from a faith perspective." Helping
their members prepare for elections may be the congregation's
first involvement in "the ministry of advocacy," said Codding.
"It enables people to discuss the role of their congregation and
politics. A study group allows congregational members of all
political opinions to share their views and find their common
ground as people united by a confession of faith," she said.
For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955