


July 8, 2000


        DENVER (ELCA) -- Through a series of votes, The Episcopal Church
-- at its general convention here -- overwhelmingly adopted "Called to
Common Mission," an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) proposal
for full communion. Voting was completed July 8, when the House of
Deputies voted overwhelmingly in favor of CCM and related proposals.
        The House of Deputies' actions concurred with overwhelmingly
favorable votes for CCM and related proposals in the House of Bishops July
        CCM was adopted by the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in August 1999 by
        The agreement opens the door for a closer relationship between the
two churches.  Such relationships may include a variety of cooperative
ministries, and under certain circumstances, clergy from each church may
serve in congregations of the other church body.
         In remarks to the Episcopal Church general convention following
its adoption of CCM, the Rev. Lowell G. Almen, secretary of the ELCA,
Chicago, said that "God has opened a magnificent door before us."
         "Under the guidance of God's Spirit, the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America and The Episcopal Church have stepped through that
door," he said. "We have walked into the bright sunlight of the future.  A
grand panorama of mission stretches before us."
        "With you, we celebrate this moment," Almen continued. "I can
indicate to you that wonderful surprises await us.  I speak from our
experience in the implementation of the 1997 Lutheran-Reformed
relationship of full communion.  We found through that agreement
that unexpected new possibilities for common mission emerged.
I expect that the same will be true through this Lutheran-Episcopal
        Almen also read a statement to the convention from the Rev. H.
George Anderson, ELCA presiding bishop, Chicago.
        "The birth of this new relationship has been a long time coming,"
Anderson's statement said. "Although many persons worked for years to
bring us to this grand moment, it is ultimately 'the Lord's doing and it is
marvelous in our eyes.'"(Psalm 118:23).
        "Adoption of 'Called to Common Mission' shows the world a new way
to be one in Christ," Anderson's statement continued. "Helping the world to
believe must always be our priority as we work out our new life together."
        Anderson is expected to make a brief appearance at the general
convention before it concludes next week.

        ***Note: More details from the Episcopal Church general convention's
actions on "Called to Common Mission" will be issued by ELCA News and
Information in the coming week.